Does anyone know what happend to the Market Maps site run by Tom Hougaard?


Junior member
Hi everyone!

I was a user of website run by Tom Hougaard (of fame. I really liked it , but today when I tried to resubscribe there was a message that the site is closed to subscriptions. Tom still updates his regular website and I assume this one is also updated to current subscribers. He didn't answer my e-mail as of yet as to what happend and I was wondering if anyone else was using this service and know what is going on. :| I also have a request, please. If you happen to know a similiar service or, better yet, what software is needed to produce such "maps" yourself, I would really appreciate any such info! 😎

Thank you very much!

Dana Berliner
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Joules MM1 said:
as far as I can assertain Tom sold them to a large bank who currently advertise via Yahoo finance et al

Hi Joules.

Not sure what that means. Can you tell me the name of that large bank? If they advertise through Yahoo Finance does that imply that subscription to this service is now available through them?

Do some research on Foresight A.I. This is an identical idea to Tom's. It is owned by GFT, who advertise on here. This product is championed by Larry Pesavento, the originator of the Market Map. He is running GFT's seminars for them on the subject. Warning - Foresight A.I. is VERY expensive!!! Tom "acquired" his version and beefed it up (I believe). However, you ask - can you do it yourself. Yes. Look into Ensign software. Howard Arrington built Larry's maps into Ensign (with Larry's blessing) long before Tom came along, and long before GFT.

As to whether Tom has closed down his service - I do not know - it is still being advertised from his main site.

Hope this helps.
swandro said:

Do some research on Foresight A.I. This is an identical idea to Tom's. It is owned by GFT, who advertise on here. This product is championed by Larry Pesavento, the originator of the Market Map. He is running GFT's seminars for them on the subject. Warning - Foresight A.I. is VERY expensive!!! Tom "acquired" his version and beefed it up (I believe). However, you ask - can you do it yourself. Yes. Look into Ensign software. Howard Arrington built Larry's maps into Ensign (with Larry's blessing) long before Tom came along, and long before GFT.

As to whether Tom has closed down his service - I do not know - it is still being advertised from his main site.

Hope this helps.

swandro, thanks, this is some great information!

Note an example from Tom's Market Maps site:

This snapshot looks like it was taken from Ensign Software. Is this pretty much what they offer themselves or is this a personal "beef up" of sorts?

I did read on their website there's an option to incorporate the Bradley Model into their software, ( does anyone know if this is readily available?

dberliner said:
swandro, thanks, this is some great information!

This snapshot looks like it was taken from Ensign Software. Is this pretty much what they offer themselves or is this a personal "beef up" of sorts?

I did read on their website there's an option to incorporate the Bradley Model into their software, ( does anyone know if this is readily available?


I do not know HOW Tom's version is different to Ensign's - all I know for sure is that they LOOK the same. So does the Foresight one. And they all purport to do the same thing. There are other striking similarities. They are all plotted on 2 minute charts - what a coincidence. Tom uses Ensign software to display his charts - but that does not mean that his map is the one that you can draw yourself with Ensign.

Another fact is that Tom is a friend of Larry P. Larry P DID commission Ensign to plot the map and now he is tied in with Foresight. So the evidence points to all 3 versions as being tied together in some way.

As for Tom's - he appears to have his own version that he runs himself. I understand that he had to do a lot of work on it to get it to where it is now.

Regarding the Bradley model - I do not know Ensign well enough to say if it is included, but I suspect it is. The Market Map does not use astro by the way - just pattern analysis.

Hope this helps
swandro said:
Hope this helps

Yes, it does help a lot. Thanks, swandro!

I'm trying to assess all other options. If only one of us could get Tom himself to answer why he stopped the service or at least point out to one (or other) of these options as the best method to continue working on his version of cycle analysis, that would be great...