What do you do?

Hey, maybe you mis interpret ? If any student does not have time why bother ? Common sense isn't it ?

I know lets put partly educated/trained bomb disposal experts on the job ! 🙂

Ditto doctors, lawyers, accountants, plumbers, why should trading be any different to the resource of time ?

All I'm saying is if you want to learn trading, allocate your time resource, like any other trade/profession .

How many people switch in life and go study to become a lawyer for a few years and shell out thousands ? for the privilege ?
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I havent read such egocentric drivel in all my life, as is this thread.

Ohh D70, isn't it good that when trading the trader and his needs cease to exist , they and the ego become selfless in fact.

ego, smego,
After a while, our work becomes a natural thing just like golf, driving, sex, skateboarding, water ski-ing or anything else you have to repeat to get good at.

I understand the analogy but there is never anything natural about golf. One may be allowed a couple of truly natural shots in a round, but for the most part it's a battle between mind and body.
If it had happened to me just once before, I would never have posted it in the first place.

So - this is not the first occurence of you waking up next to your trading screens after dreaming about the markets ?

Seriously - I'd seek professional medical assistance.
So - this is not the first occurence of you waking up next to your trading screens after dreaming about the markets ?

Seriously - I'd seek professional medical assistance.

It could be a good idea if it’s too difficult to deal with the problem without the help.

Otherwise may be damaging to the health and the account.👎

Question 7+8:

Paul: What are your hours like? How long is your day and what time does it start?

Lex: I need to be behind my screen at 7.00am and normally leave the office at about 5.30pm. I then go home and switch on my screens until about 9.00pm when the US market closes. At night, my BlackBerry has Bloomberg on it next to my bed. When I wake up at night it's hard to resist having a quick check at how the S&P futures are trading overnight. It's never-ending.

Paul: It sounds like it's a 24-hour activity for you, with some set times during which you are thoroughly involved in it, and other times where you're just interested in what's happening, even if it happens to be in the middle of the night.

Lex: Well, we do trade Asian stocks as well, so we might leave orders and if something happens the broker would call from Hong Kong or Tokyo to let us know what is going on. It is 24/7, and I guess that's what it takes.


So Lex van Dam is a 24/7 obsessive as well...
Not my kind of thing either TBH.
Maybe with certain styles of trading, timeframe and instrument, its the obsessives who cane everyone else, then again maybe everyone else is just happy with what they can get as and when.

My view is there are plenty of ways of trading, if 24/7 obsession was the only way I'd rather not do it. Strong case for pure intraday if overnight holds are that much of an issue. Thats just me personally. Not knocking anyone who keeps tabs 24/7, it would drive me up the f**kin wall though 🙂 Maybe thats why I've never had overnight holds on 24hr instruments, only UK stocks (morning gaps can be an issue granted...).

Does raise the question of why we trade though...
So - this is not the first occurence of you waking up next to your trading screens after dreaming about the markets ?

Seriously - I'd seek professional medical assistance.

No it's not the first time, I've woken up with a feeling about where things are going.

Strangely enough, it happened again Thursday night. It's quite a rare thing so this somewhat suprised me.

I had my new girlfriend over that evening and so I turned off the screens and we slept in my bedroom rather than my usual spot on the sofa during the week.

Around 2am I woke up with a strong feeling that I had to check the market as something was happening. I had a look at the charts and the first thing I felt was that I had to be short the Australian Dollar. It had fallen around 80 pips since 10pm in an almost straight line.

Normally, I wouldn't touch this after a fall on this scale but the feeling I got that this was going to fall much further was sufficiently strong and this time I decided to take action with the last incident in mind.

The strange thing about this for me was that normally I would want more of a retracement before I got involved but I felt very strongly that there wasn't going to be one at this time. I watched it for a few moments and then I went short at market and went to bed, covering it in the morning for just under a point gain.

I think small exposure in these circumstances is the appropriate action for me. Thanks for your feedback guys.
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Are you smoking crack or something?

You are going to take a position on what you dream about.


Do you think you're mystic-****in-meg or what?

If you think this is going to give you any edge at all you are either a self-involved psycho or puff the magic dragon.
Are you smoking crack or something?

You are going to take a position on what you dream about.


You must have misread my posts.

There were no dreams involved.

If you think this is going to give you any edge at all you are either a self-involved psycho or puff the magic dragon.

I will let my stats answer this for me.

Thank you for your input though. Always appreciated 🙂
TD; I once woke up thinking: "Reece Witherspoon would let me blindfold her and do her up the sh!tter". You pay me a grand and I'll tie the blindfold.
Yeah ... I had that Witherspoon dream aswell Mister Gecko 😛

Sleep is however a great time for the subconscious to do its thing. I often found that if I had a problem I couldn't solve, looking over it before going to sleep could be quite beneficial.

The human mind is a powerful thing!

TD; I once woke up thinking: "Reece Witherspoon would let me blindfold her and do her up the sh!tter". You pay me a grand and I'll tie the blindfold.
This is what Jesse Livermore had to say:

You may remember the story I told you about that time when I was short thirty-five hundred Sugar in the Cosmopolitan and I had a hunch something was wrong and I'd better close the trade? Well, I have often had that curious feeling. As a rule, I yield to it. But at times I have pooh-poohed the idea and have told myself that it was simply asinine to follow any of these sudden blind impulses to reverse my position. I have ascribed my hunch to a state of nerves resulting from too many cigars or insufficient sleep or a torpid liver or something of that kind. When I have argued myself into disregarding my impulse and have stood pat I have always had cause to regret it. A dozen instances occur to me when I did not sell as per hunch, and the next day I'd go downtown and the market would be strong, or perhaps even advance, and I'd tell myself how silly it would have been to obey the blind impulse to sell. But on the following day there would be a pretty bad drop. Something had broken loose somewhere and I'd have made money by not being so wise and logical. The reason plainly was not physiological but psychological.
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Despite the speed with which Tom recommended your post me old Chna, Trader Dante is NOT Jesse Livermore.

Please don't add delusions of grandeur to his list of 'conditions'...