1 12WBT Jul 13, 2014 #21 Great story not sure how true the film was to the real life Ron Woodroof. Two great lead roles by McConaughey and Leto. 8.5 out of 10
Great story not sure how true the film was to the real life Ron Woodroof. Two great lead roles by McConaughey and Leto. 8.5 out of 10
1 12WBT Jul 27, 2014 #23 Clever movie, not sure about Robert Redford in the role. Think Ryan Reynolds in Buried was much better. 6.5 out of 10
Clever movie, not sure about Robert Redford in the role. Think Ryan Reynolds in Buried was much better. 6.5 out of 10
YouAreNotFree Experienced member Messages 1,295 Likes 225 Jul 31, 2014 #24 Just viewed the video attached to this article. Fascinating stuff. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...Amazon-rainforest-tribe-caught-on-camera.html Last edited: Jul 31, 2014
Just viewed the video attached to this article. Fascinating stuff. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...Amazon-rainforest-tribe-caught-on-camera.html
Atilla Legendary member Messages 20,882 Likes 4,059 Aug 15, 2014 #27 http://online.wsj.com/articles/robi...he-bike-builder-1407970079?mod=trending_now_2
Atilla Legendary member Messages 20,882 Likes 4,059 Sep 6, 2014 #29 Not watching but playing this addicted game. Really good to rest the mind from occupational junk. Kids got me addicted. I've beaten them. Haha Very easy to play. Just use the up and down, left and right arrows. Good luck. http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-2048/index.html Topscore 32952 😀 Attachments 2048.GIF 90 KB · Views: 363
Not watching but playing this addicted game. Really good to rest the mind from occupational junk. Kids got me addicted. I've beaten them. Haha Very easy to play. Just use the up and down, left and right arrows. Good luck. http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-2048/index.html Topscore 32952 😀
1 12WBT Sep 14, 2014 #30 Rated as one of the top movies of 2013. Jep Gambardella the main character owns the role on screen. And Sabrina Ferilli is easy on the eye. 8 out of 10
Rated as one of the top movies of 2013. Jep Gambardella the main character owns the role on screen. And Sabrina Ferilli is easy on the eye. 8 out of 10
Atilla Legendary member Messages 20,882 Likes 4,059 Sep 15, 2014 #31 Traders: Millions by the Minute One to watch - starts in 10 minutes. http://www.radiotimes.com/episode/c4y6xg/traders-millions-by-the-minute--series-1---episode-1
Traders: Millions by the Minute One to watch - starts in 10 minutes. http://www.radiotimes.com/episode/c4y6xg/traders-millions-by-the-minute--series-1---episode-1
NVP Guest Author Messages 37,957 Likes 2,156 Sep 15, 2014 #32 yep theres a few threads firing up.............stand by for the onslaught of newbies wanting to make the millions promised from 1 months training jees.............god help us N
yep theres a few threads firing up.............stand by for the onslaught of newbies wanting to make the millions promised from 1 months training jees.............god help us N
Atilla Legendary member Messages 20,882 Likes 4,059 Sep 16, 2014 #33 What you really really want is one of these...
M MajorMagnuM Legendary member Messages 9,284 Likes 888 Oct 16, 2014 #37 repeat of Dallas Cheerleaders. Is that Bad?
Atilla Legendary member Messages 20,882 Likes 4,059 Oct 16, 2014 #38 These guys are sooo funny imo... Well worth watching as varied stories in short clips. Cannabis got me watching it and Alex Salmond speech well funny. Enjoy! http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04lcq69/the-revolution-will-be-televised-series-3-episode-2
These guys are sooo funny imo... Well worth watching as varied stories in short clips. Cannabis got me watching it and Alex Salmond speech well funny. Enjoy! http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04lcq69/the-revolution-will-be-televised-series-3-episode-2