What are you listening to now?

  1. 8. To recap: Participants of this or any other thread are not the targeted primary, not targeted secondary or even third party audience. Participants on this thread are not targeted and are incidental to a separate primary target audience and purpose.
  2. 9. This thread - with its low view count - is merely a convenience by way of topic and serves as a scrapbook collage of reference to stay in touch against a busy schedule. If T2W goes under Google archives retains records.
  3. 10. Any post is, essentially, private reflections shared with a few intimates - a private game, with some fun. Any view by any other party is considered incidental to stated purposes.
  4. 11. I could address my posts, 'Hi love, check this ...' but that would be out of place because no participant on this thread is 'love'.
Subsequent to above many of these posts are passing psychological studies with respect to
  • extroversion,
  • introversion
  • psychological dispositions - etc., etc., etc.
  • Child, Adult or Parent Ego States
I have no psychological hangups or issues and have never found need to seek any form of therapy.
I am not a therapist and in accordance with above have no capacity or interest to sympathise and empathise - do not pm me.

Ego States
Ego States - TA - 1.gif

Random image illustration - this is not an endorsement, merely source reference courtesy: https://intactacademy.com/coaching-transactional-analysis-ego-states/#!form/Email

Ego States TA - 2.gif

Random image Illustration - this is not an endorsement, merely source reference courtesy: https://apgceexperience.weebly.com/the-blog-professional-reflection--journal/transactional-analysis

Those thinking of or embarking on a corporate career might find it profitable to review the following re Myers-Briggs Personality Testing.

Copy & Past from an email sent to a female acquaintance

Hi B.....

This personality test is used by the military and major corporations. Here's what you should know

The Word Economic Forum site (the Davos, Switzerland doodah – which activist view as the pinnacle of capitalistic sin) has an interesting article on the origins and development of the Meyers-Briggs method.

WEF: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/11/personality-puzzler-is-there-any-science-behind-myers-briggs/

16 Personality Types
Hi B... (female acquaintance ) - By way of understanding the concept of 16 Personality Type Indicators I draw on my experience in the military. Although some conscripts will have qualifications that suit them for specific positions, many will not. Military conscripts go through an array of physical and written aptitude testing to find suitability of position. So in essence each conscript’s aptitudes are whittled down and compartmentalised to match one of a finite (say 16) number of available positions. Thus we can categorise one conscript with aptitude optimal for that of a tank operator as opposed to another optimal for that of intelligence corps.

In a similar manner one can view the 16 Personality Type Type Indicators as a limited compartmentalisation for the optimisation selection and determination of specific social and employment roles in society.

16 Personalities: Offers a fun way to explore each of the 16 personality types and offers a FREE TEST to determine your personality type.

16 Personalities: https://www.16personalities.com/personality-types

The Myers-Briggs Company (NOTE: There is no need to pay for any of the courses offers by the M-B Company – unless, certification is pursued for professional reasons. There is a vast array of free material on the internet and video portals like YouTube)

M-B Company: https://www.themyersbriggs.com/en-US/
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now could be a great start, it was probably only a matter of time
Typical response from the hurt spiteful* child ego state 😍 - mommy issues - nothing intelligent - keep them coming others here (home) have an academic interest.

*The happy trio - envy putrefies into jealousy which escapes the putrefying pressure as spite.
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Games People Play: Psychology of Human Relationships - Transactional Analysis

Note: Before opening 'any' download first run though multi-virus check ( sign in not necessary ) : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload


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