WEEKLY MACD Histogram rxplorer


Hello all,

I'm hoping someone can help me out with something I imagine should be fairly simple.

I'd like to create an explorer that can identify when the WEEKLY MACD Histogram ticks up or down in the opposite direction from it's previous trend.

I use Metastock 9.0

If someone can help I'd appreciate it - or if you know someone that could help, could you let me know.

.....When you create an exploration just do it as if it is for daily CLOSE etc.....There is an option to select the time frame for that exploration. So select WEEKLY set up at that stage.
Thanks zambuck, but my problem is also the entire formula for the explorer..
And I will try, with my bad english, to ask another question: when I make an exploration (i.e. I want the stocks with an adx > 30), the value of the adx reported in the exploration is very different from the adx plotted in the chart (using the custom formula). Can you help me to understand?
Best regards
Where's the formula...?

ibell65 said:
Thanks zambuck, but my problem is also the entire formula for the explorer..
And I will try, with my bad english, to ask another question: when I make an exploration (i.e. I want the stocks with an adx > 30), the value of the adx reported in the exploration is very different from the adx plotted in the chart (using the custom formula). Can you help me to understand?
Best regards
Hi ibell65, could you post your formula? That way we'll be able to assess what's wrong with it, and ultimately help you.

Eduardo 🙂
Some Pearls of Wisdom...

Let’s see if this helps:
I set up the weekly option by highlighting the exploration, then clicking on the “Edit” button on the right; the Exploration Editor will show up; click on the “Options” button on the bottom right, then under “Exploration Periodicity” choose “Weekly”, click the “OK” buttons, and run the following exploration; you should find any stock whose ADX value is above 30:

Column A

Column B

Column C

(colA AND colB)>0

I set the ADX at 14 periods; adapt it to your needs, it shouldn’t matter.

Eduardo 😎
Hi Eduardo, I've followed your indication to set the exploration but the problem is still here.. The values reported in the column C are clearly above 30, but if I open the charts and plot the adx from the indicator quicklist the values are very differents. Only in one case the value on the chart is equal to the value reported in the column C. Therefore, I don't understand why you use the "weekly" option. I thought that the correct option to work with daily data should be the "daily" option. Isn't that?
Ps: any tips for the weekly macd Histogram uptick or downtick explorer? Because I don't have a formula..

Thank you very much.

Daily or Weekly? That is the Question...!

ibell65 said:
Hi Eduardo, I've followed your indication to set the exploration but the problem is still here.. The values reported in the column C are clearly above 30, but if I open the charts and plot the adx from the indicator quicklist the values are very differents. Only in one case the value on the chart is equal to the value reported in the column C. Therefore, I don't understand why you use the "weekly" option. I thought that the correct option to work with daily data should be the "daily" option. Isn't that?
Ps: any tips for the weekly macd Histogram uptick or downtick explorer? Because I don't have a formula..

Thank you very much.

“I'd like to create an explorer that can identify when the WEEKLY MACD Histogram ticks up or down in the opposite direction from it's previous trend.” – This led me to believe that you wanted to explore weekly data, so I recommended you to set up the explorations on the “weekly” option.
If the exploration is set to “weekly” and you open the charts on daily data, obviously the values are bound to be different, unless you run them at the week-end, where they are likely to be the same values (but not necessarily!)
Try to reset the exploration on the “daily” option and see if this helps.

Eduardo. 🙂
Sorry.. my first post was for the WEEKLY MACD HISTOGRAM (Zambuck did give me the right tip if only I'd have the entire formula for the explorer..) and my second answer was for the difference between the results reported in the explorer for the ADX (14) and the value of the ADX (14) plotted in the charts with daily data.
I did set the your ADX (14) exploration on the "daily" option but the difference with the results plotted on the charts is still the same.


This problem occurs when the chart's loaded periods are different from the exploration's - make sure they are both the same.

jose '-)