Not on this comp here DT. The good one is in Clacton. I swapped them over, 'cause I didn't expect to be down here much longer. Expected to be working from Clacton while the Barking sale went through, but as I mentioned to you my solicitor is an idiot. Turns out the buyers solicitor is an idiot as well. Hence, I'm down here, running around and doing their work for them and probably getting charged for it.
This comp is decrepit and slow so I have to watch what I put on it, as it is the fxcm blanks and charts freeze every 20 mins or so and I have to close and open the charts again to restore all.
Couldn't even dream of putting cmc software on here. Comp would have a coronary. Hope to be back next week, so I'll link up with you then. Or in the traders room Sunday night for the forex open. Can't promise to be coherent though. I'm saying goodbye to a few peeps over Sunday lunch in the pub, so god know what state I'll be in. (Well, actually I do 'cause the wife's in Tenerife.) 😈 😈 😈