Unfortunately, due to various constraints, I haven't done enough work on HC's "strategy". At least not to the point of quantfying things as rigorously as I would like.
However, I am pretty sure I see what's going on. Namely, HC is data-mining. His strategy is governed by a couple of chosen parameters. The values that he's currently using make the strategy work in the present mkt regime (VIX falling; mkt rallying; smile getting flatter). The strategy with the particular parameter values chosen will stop working when the regime changes.
You can come up with all sorts of strategies like this, but unfortunately they're rather useless, as you have no way to forecast mkt regimes and thus no way to determine parameter values in advance.
Anyways, I am sure it was probably well clear to people a while ago. I was hoping that I'd be able to actually generate some numbers to demonstrate it, but, unfortunately, I am snowed at the mom.