Warren Buffet's Contentment

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Interesting interview with Warren on Radio 4's Today programme this morning - doesn't appear to be available on "listen again" yet.

I only heard bits of it so apologies if I've not got the complete picture. One of Buffet's points is that he is content to live in the same house with same old car & same old neighbours etc etc because it's all ok. "what would I achieve by moving?" paraphrases his attitude.

So here's one of the world's richest men who appears to be happy despite his wealth and yet during the interview you hear of his fears and concerns during his trading deals - just like the rest of us eh?

I especially like his quote from Bertrand Russell: "Success is getting what you want; Happiness is wanting what you get". So true, so true.
good shout, heard it this morning, he is the modern day trading yoda. looking forward to watching the interview.
Me too. I particularly laughed about his realisation that he is lucky wrt being around at a time where capitalism was rife and had it been a time where physical prowess was the main measure of success, that he is likely to have been eaten.
good shout, heard it this morning, he is the modern day trading yoda. looking forward to watching the interview.

I translated this for you:
Good shout, this morning heard it, the modern day trading yoda, he is. To watching the interview looking forward. Yeesssssss.



As role models go, I think I prefer George Soros. However, I shall certainly be listening to the old Buffer tonight.
Interesting timing for such an interview.
Personally I think Mr Buffet has just finally hit the buffers after a long long ride.
The rally from March was just a correction and now we have seen the top of it.
It's a long way down from here. Scary.

The yodaspeak website makes mediocre claims sound truly awe-inspiring. For example:

😆 nice one guys, bookmarked the site...are we sounding like the guys off the big bang theory? Ooh, ooh, only 8 minutes to go, better get the popcorn in the microwave...😀
Genial old cove, isn't he? I think I may revise my opinion. Even the name of his firm is almost endearing: Berkshire Hathaway - Sounds like the name of a breed of pedigree pig. That's it: he's an American Lord Emsworth:

Evan Davis: "What stocks are you giving most attention to this autumn?"
Buffet/Emsworth: "I'm giving most of my attention to the Empress of Blandings of course..."
I was interested in the relationship between him and Gates - interesting to see the patriarchal respect from Gates.

He doesn't use leveraged products - horsesh1t.
When the housing market was on the up nobody could see the down side , now everything is down nobody can see the upside!