Warren Buffet - Fibo calls Buffet's decade(s) uptrend as reversing into BEAR trend - BEAR-Watch begins NOW!

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Starting with the monthly chart of Berkshire Hathaway A .................... Buffet's entire life is resting on just one so-called measly Trendline that almost everybody at T2W unanimously considers bogus TA. But here it is. this one trendline, when broken will signal Buffet's decline into BEAR and personal vilification. The financial hero will be criticized and slaughterd by the Press and Public as the BEAR progresses. Berkshire Hathaway will lose billions. Warren will lose his charm. Attackers will gang up aginst him including his own investors who have been praising him for so long.

Who will be absent from the headbangers' gang? FIBO.

The Trend against Warren will be severe but Fibo will never forget what he has done and achieved. Whatever comes now is attributed to a BEAR against which he has no chance. Don't hold it against him. He is still #1 in Fibo's book - all time #1

2nd place contender? None! 🙂😗

Good to see Warren following his own advice (for the most part):

while the Dow & SPX are making new highs Warren is holding more and more cash money and not investing - currently sitting on $122 billion. some shareholders are pissed and demanding he invest that right away. What they don't understand is Warren is going by his own indicator ........... Market/GDP AND Buffet's Law: when everyone is complacent and optimistic, SELL and get out.

Violet, barjon, malaguti and others were criticizing me for not investing Long any more after top call on Jan 26, 2018 while Dow is making new highs. Tell that to Warren. Include him in your criticism and see if I give a sh*t

Expecting a heated cussword reply from malaguti and/or Violet soon.

The average person, making the average salary is not a big holder of stocks. Its too damn expensive, way out of his reach.
