Warning - Romansoft fraudulent credit card debits

Guys just as a follow up I have got a full refund for the near £500 charges to my Barclaycard by Romansoft.

I just checked the balance on the net and Barclaycard refund all the transactions yesterday but I have not had a letter or e-mail as to what happened yet.

Hope the rest of you got it sorted with your banks.
Chased my bank by letter and asked them to credit. They phoned and said when we get the vouchers we will credit. But there are no vouchers. When we get vouchers, but it's an internet scam. When we get the vouchers, look there are none. I let them know that there are hordes of us affected which they acknowledged.

Any how, when the get the vouchers that don't exist they will credit the money. Hmmm..
Get your solicitor to write a letter threatening legal action and watch it all suddenly get resolved.

Romansoft.com scam

sorry lads i did not notice this thread earlier. romansoft is a very well known scam scheme operated from st petersburg. i am not saying anything here for sure but there is a certain computer programmer from st pete polytechnical institute who works for them as they pay him better than any legal russian e business. the famous rumour is that he declined an offer from gazprom as even they cud not match what he earns at romansoft.

if u have any doubts - check registry of the site - see enclosed JPEG file. dont u see a couple of screaming red flags? and if U STILL have doubts, try phoning the "Admin Phone". Let me know if that phone ever exists 🙂

I checked it out, China, and they are nothing to do with the scammers/ CC fraud. I spoke to a nice young lady who said they are forever getting calls like mine. So I guess don't ring them.


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I just dont understand why the credit card companies are still allowing payment to this company. They must know it is a fraud and all they have to do is blacklist it.

CM, I heard that rumour several times when I traded for Gazprom in 2003.

I may be too cautious but then the others may be not cautious enough......

may I ask a question? what if u saw charges on your credit card from a company whose "Admin e mail" was saying something like *******@chinawhite.com? 🙂 wudnt it raise red flags? 🙂