Warning - Romansoft fraudulent credit card debits

Add me to the list also $200 from Romansoft in April appeared on my May statement. Never use the card in real life, only ever for subscription payments.
You can put me down for 6 transactions on the 7th April for a total of £500.

I have only just come back to T2W so sorry for the the delay.

I too contacted Barclaycard and have filled in the paper work and are now waiting for them to investigate.

I do not know when SS posts went up?

It is funny how we are all realated by T2W. I have not ever been to ebuyer so my number could have come from there.

The card has been cancelled the scary thing was I got my statement at the end of April and it was only the wife that noticed the 6 transactions at the start. I was lucky they only went for £500 and did not use it all month.
So, can anyone set up something to find a common denominator from these posts?
Is it a site you've all visited, or was it our Nasty Nazi?
Looks like an inside job to me. My card was with Halifax (Don't know if they outsource).

I have used E-Buyer with it a long time ago but it has been dormant pretty much for nine months. Only sub services come off the card now.
Seems like a major, major fraud to me. Far too many to be explained as an 'admin error'. Buying a list of 'legit' numbers is probably the most likely as from all the posts I've seen, there seems little correlation on usage. I'm surprised that they haven't been stopped ... maybe they have... Multiply the small number of 'erroneous transactions' here, by the big wide world, and we're talking some serious amount of dosh...
Apart from sub service and the monthly groceries bill I only use my card for buying books online; these are invariably on futures or related topics which I've purchased from the LIFFE bookstore (still don't know what I'm doing but I'm probably well read, just can't trade!) - I'm wondering if this could be a possible link? I'm just throwing this in - not accusing any organisation or anything (I've used this source for a few years with no problems) - but it is the only link where I've used the card that is related to other traders! Food for thought? Any other book buyers here that have been stung by Romansoft? Oh, dear, is paranoia setting in...
I seem to have been caught by the Romansoft scam. I find that three amounts of £29 ,£46 and £58 have been taken from my Visa account in March and three sums of the same amount in April together with three further sums of the same amount taken on the same date. A total of about £400.
I have had 2 identical amounts taken from Barclays Mastercard last month amounting to approx £100. My card was cancelled straight away by the administrator at the other end and I had to fill out a very lengthy form and post it in an envelope which was addressed to " The Fraud Dept".

In the past if I have had a discrepancy on my statement I have never had my card cancelled and have only had to fill out a very simple form disputing the transaction in question.

Definitely sounds like a major fraud scam.
MAYFLY, Apart from having security software up to my eyeballs which identify keyloggers as trojan horse, I learnt a long time ago that typing passwords is a security flaw. So all key access is now accesed without typing a password.
Hi, Didn't realise you were over here as well.

Somebody somewhere has sold a list to romansoft IMO. I once owned a business in the UK and resigned my position in 1990 just as recession hit. A little while later the business was in trouble and the MD decided it would be a good idea to re-process all card transactions they had done in the last year to try and keep the business afloat. Apparantly an "Admin" error. More like outright fraud, I guess his hope was that people (some at least) may not realise and he would get some free cash. He vanished shortly afterwards.

My gut feel is something similar is happening at Romansoft.

I phoned and wrote to them yesterday. Will let you know if I get any response.