Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

I understand Mr T .......

I issue a written and formal apology to you Mr T....you are right my EGO is talking but i have instructions to let it run wild in these 3 weeks ........

I am currently living in what you could call a jungle ........camels, elephants, tigers, horses, cows, sheep , goats , buffalos, parrots , dogs, lizards you name it , it exists here !!

Hence overlook my EGO .......judge me by my results only!!

after 3 weeks I will put it away and go back to MrWallstreet1928

Let the games begin from monday ..

aim 1000 points a week

lol. Are you seriously trying to say your ego is caused by a jungle. LMAO
Hello. Percent return per month? Hello.

I do not need an apology, neither do you.
I think the question many people want answered is why do you charge people for a service if you have such a good return? Oh, yes, your spiritual master told you to charge.
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Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Why do you need to know his % per month?

The points per week or whatever is surely the number you need to know and he is giving that.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Why do you need to know his % per month?

The points per week or whatever is surely the number you need to know and he is giving that.

The real world works in terms of percent returns.
It is another marketing gimmick that sites use to measure success.
Percent returns show the real increase in value of money.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

The real world works in terms of percent returns.

feel free to work it out buddy

imagine you had a £50k account

you trade @ £5 a point

you make + 300 + 500 + 1000 points a week

what is your return on a monthly basis ? :smart:
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

feel free to work it out buddy

imagine you had a £50k account

you trade @ £5 a point

you make + 300 + 500 + 1000 points a week

what is your return on a monthly basis ? :smart:

My thoughts exactly. Work it out yourself. Jeez are people so thick these days...he's giving the points target...he's posting his trades including targets and stops for free...FF's and you want a % return now...JHC :whistling
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

My thoughts exactly. Work it out yourself. Jeez are people so thick these days...he's giving the points target...he's posting his trades including targets and stops for free...FF's and you want a % return now...JHC :whistling

Rupert, what is £5 x 500 of a 10k account?
What is £5 x 500 of a 100k account?
Banks and hedge funds will look at your percent return not your points.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Who is a bank or a hedge fund here?

I'm not...So again why do you want to know the % return? It is absolutely irrelevant. If you are taking his trades you only care about how many points it makes. You manage the risk capital. You decide how much to risk on each trade, it's your money you are trading with and not his.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Who is a bank or a hedge fund here?

I'm not...So again why do you want to know the % return? It is absolutely irrelevant. If you are taking his trades you only care about how many points it makes. You manage the risk capital. You decide how much to risk on each trade, it's your money you are trading with and not his.

you speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

I am short FTSE from 5166 upto 5200

avg 5185 region

stop loss = 5270

tgt = 5100 , 5050

5065 was the low of the day so far ...targets hit with +++++ 350 points for the week

its raining pips and points here at wallstreet1928's blog.......

It's friday night so pop the bubbly and have a pip party..hehe!!
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

havent visited this blog for a while and its sad to see alot of pointless attacks against WS.

i've been following his analysis and trades for a while and his service is worth every penny.

and to who ever asked WS the silly question of why he's charging subscribers for giving his trades away i would say that no one works for free in this world and no one has too. WS's efforts and analysis are time consuming and the least he deserves is some compensation even if he doesnt need it financially.

i can go on and on about this but i'd rather focus on the matter in hand and that is trading.

well done Wallstreet
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

havent visited this blog for a while and its sad to see alot of pointless attacks against WS.

i've been following his analysis and trades for a while and his service is worth every penny.

and to who ever asked WS the silly question of why he's charging subscribers for giving his trades away i would say that no one works for free in this world and no one has too. WS's efforts and analysis are time consuming and the least he deserves is some compensation even if he doesnt need it financially.

i can go on and on about this but i'd rather focus on the matter in hand and that is trading.

well done Wallstreet

interesting that you call it a "blog".
Yet another post from someone who has only 1 or 2 posts and rarely visits the thread yet suddenly cannot fight the urge to post.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

interesting that you call it a "blog".
Yet another post from someone who has only 1 or 2 posts and rarely visits the thread yet suddenly cannot fight the urge to post.

i dont get your point really... you joined months after i joined and with just few posts more than me which are full of useful information i hope? not bothered to check.
i'd rather read the good work of some people here than spoil things with useless posts. hope you do the same. GL
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

One thing to keep an eye on at the moment that is not mentioned much is bonds.
Compare the FTSE to the UK gilt market at present and the indications are that gilts may sell off and the market may move up. Of course, speculation in gilt prices is largely being driven by UK QE talk and possible debt talk in the UK.
Note the cycles on the gilts:

Well, isn't this a fun place 😎
"Interesting" - you don't agree?
Whilst I agree the market is not exactly bullish, I fail to see how the powers that be can let it go down and let any bear flag play out.
There's plenty of time to pump money yet?
I am talking Weekly timeframes here not intraday.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Well, isn't this a fun place 😎
"Interesting" - you don't agree?
Whilst I agree the market is not exactly bullish, I fail to see how the powers that be can let it go down and let any bear flag play out.
There's plenty of time to pump money yet?
I am talking Weekly timeframes here not intraday.

Good evening my friend ,

I concur with some of my teachers .....Nicholas Santiago and Gareth Soloway who expect QE 3 in mid 2012 and QE 4 mid 2013. I expect weakness in Europe until then .......

There are still many more skeletons that need to come out of the Eurozone closet.....

still no signs of an organic bottom in the market yet .

Think of an athlete who takes performance enhancing drugs, he will always win and remain active whilst taking the drugs. What happens when he comes off them and learns to compete and condition his body naturally ?

Europe hasn't reached that stage yet, nor has the USA......one can argue China has!! The rest will take time
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

European stocks close lower, ending third quarter down 17%

this is not bullish ........
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

So wall street Im still waiting

surely it cant take that long to bring up statements goto your inbox look up end of month
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

still waiting
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

I take it thats a no then

disappeared faster than a rat up a drainpipe
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Re: Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??
Originally Posted by MartinC-J
wallstreet - what's the idea of the slagging match over here. I've read your thread and think its great. What's the point of coming over here and starting up a fight. Please keep it on your thread. I'm sure DC2000 is happy to discuss this with you over there.

The theory is this .......

if someone comes into your house and starts a fight , what do you do? you retaliate. I have never until this day gone to somebody else's blog and questioned there trading ability. DC200 came to my blog and started to disrespect me on my blog(the proof is on my blog, go ahead and read his sarcastic remarks). I was very patient with him until it reached a level that was unacceptable and unbearable.

It is human nature to be defensive when transgressed upon. If you read my history I have always been kind, helpful and respected everyone. It is very disrespectful to go to somebody's blog and question there success rate and trading ability. He should learn some manners.....

I then decided to prove my ability by posting my live trades in real time with entry, exit stop loss = good money management. PLease visit my blog and see that I have had 100% success rate this week and exceeded + 350 points. DC2000 still does not show respect even after proving my ability in real time. He has consistently argued the bullish scenario, I have explained to him why this market is not bullish with several technical and fundamental arguments. I have hit all my short targets this week whilst he is stuck in his longs on Dow and FTSE 100 with massive losses....and he still will not declare his stop loss because he doesnt want to be accountable for his losses. I always give my stop loss and my risk is always less than 3% per trade, as my teacher taught me.

I also called the market top well in advance of everyone on trade2win , please see my analysis

DC2000 witnessed the consistency rate, success rate and sheer number of points I was making and felt threatened and got jealous........hence his immature remarks that started this all off.

DC2000 has yet to post a single chart or provide any fundamental reasoning for going long ........Whilst I have provided comprehensive analysis and running commentary, thereby helping new traders learn and understand.

WE can call a truce here and I will leave him in peace and I ask him to leave me in peace. I ask him to stay off my blog and focus on improving his trading skills and ability as his success rate recently has been very poor. I have never met a successful trader until this day that states he is going long with deep pockets .......this is a recipe for disaster and new traders should not be learning this type of trading style. It may well work for him in the long run, but it is a very dangerous strategy as your risk parameters should always be defined.

What if the market had a flash crash over the weekend and we gap down - 500 ?

would he be wiped out ?

Look at this news
"Kodak denies bankruptcy plan but shares plummet. The company's market value plummeted to roughly $210 million on Friday, "

An event like this could happen in Europe at any time and cause a massive market crash. Hence a physical stop loss is very important, and this is what should be taught to every trader.

All I ask is for him to stay off my blog and to stop posting derogatory remarks. He has seen my ability at first hand and I have proven myself as a consistent and successful trader.

Can you please explain this to him ..........

I always come in peace and now I will leave in peace .......

"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery."
Malcolm X, Malcolm X Speaks, 1965
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