Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

OK, so its just a question of how low will it go!

Been impressed with your thread. Your calls are Tip Top. Subscribed.

I am just doing my day job buddy

I do this day in , day out with 90% accuracy as people that know me for a long time will testify and the forecasts on this thread will testify.

I did this for a long time, making points with people for free and I still do it on this thread till this day.

The only reason I left is because I never get my just due, I never get the respect I deserve. All these rubbish traders on trade2win havent got a clue about trading and they get more respect than me .......They win all the awards on trade2win because they the admin staff ...groupy mentality!!

not only do I forecast, but i also explain why technically and fundamentally ..........Tell me one person on trade2win who does that ??

how do you know it is there analysis , they could just be parroting other peoples trades/analysis !!

All they say is "yes i think mrket will go high and i am long" , you ask them for stop loss and they say "oh uh, uh beyond this low and that low " .......they just beat around the bush so they cant get held to account on a bad trade !!

I give my stop loss, entry , target ..........commentary and technical/fundamental arguments !!

A trader is a sophist ..........become plato/aristotle !! Trading is all about how many arguments you have to go long/short !!

Khalaas(and thats all it is) ......as the Arabs say!!

Too many charlatans on trade2win , I am the destroyer of charlatans thats why I never get the respect that is due !! But its fine , I will keep nailing 300-500 points a week and I will crush them with my consistency and stats !!

Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

I am going abroad for a month now folks ......... I fly out on Monday!!

I will be on holiday, I will still be trading with the people that know me.

I will have a lot of time on my hands so If anyone wants any help with there trading or has any questions etc

please feel free to email me on my personal email
[email protected]

I will try my best to help

Stay safe and may the pips be with you
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Nooooooo. *ties you to your chair so you can't go on holiday*

Now trade, dammit. *pokes you with a stick*
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

I'm having difficulty seeing how the Twist isn't being considered a QE3. While the headline is 'no new money being pumped into the economy', how does the sale of short-term and the purchase of long-term NOT qualify as QE when they themselves are issuing the short-term in the first place?

Because there is no expansion in the balance sheet, ie no FURTHER QE at the moment. All the money has already been used to buy the short term side - "Twist" is to adjust the yield curve and was always going to be $ positive.
Yield curves: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yield_curve
There is a lot of opposition to QE3 although it will probably happen later in the year or 2012.
FTSE needs to break 4900-5400 range for definitive - at the moment it's just boxed in.
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Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

The only reason I left is because I never get my just due, I never get the respect I deserve. All these rubbish traders on trade2win havent got a clue about trading and they get more respect than me .......They win all the awards on trade2win because they the admin staff ...groupy mentality!!

your kidding right🙂

why would you want respect from an online forum and why would you give a rats ase who won the awards

If you want respect post a pic of yourself on a charity run or some such
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

your kidding right🙂

why would you want respect from an online forum and why would you give a rats ase who won the awards

If you want respect post a pic of yourself on a charity run or some such

gratitude and respect are 2 qualities every human should inculcate.

Anyway back to the market then...

So FTSE 100 are you still long ? you must be down -200 as you were arguing the bull case @ 5200 stating there was good value...The market has bungee jumped since then without a single rally, vertical drop

I hope you didnt go in too heavy?

Now the question is will investors hold into the weekend ?

I managed to nail a nasdaq long for+ 26

I have finished for the week with subscribers with ++ 360 points

Now I'm taking it easy and going to relax

be careful with long side my friend ...this market is in full control by the bears!!

Bulls have raised the white flag
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

gratitude and respect are 2 qualities every human should inculcate.

Anyway back to the market then...

So FTSE 100 are you still long ? you must be down -200 as you were arguing the bull case @ 5200 stating there was good value...The market has bungee jumped since then without a single rally, vertical drop

I hope you didnt go in too heavy?

Now the question is will investors hold into the weekend ?

I managed to nail a nasdaq long for+ 26

I have finished for the week with subscribers with ++ 360 points

Now I'm taking it easy and going to relax

be careful with long side my friend ...this market is in full control by the bears!!

Bulls have raised the white flag

you seem to be trying to twist my trades and words
I was long last week into friday then this week I have been short until yesterday I went long yesterday @112
as with most amature vendors you are quoting my trades to curve fit your "Im right your wrong"

now lets look at your trade yesterday you post an email that you sent to subscribers earlier at the very milisecond the profit price was hit Im assuming your trading with a spreabetter here for fill reasons, would we have seem that email if it hadn't been a winner hmmm.

Now Im not a great fan of beginner joes lets see a statement but in this case it is entirely appropriate you are stating 90% winners so post you eom statement then we can all say your the best trader on T2W last months this months no matter any will do.

And your going abroad for a month
strange most people name a place.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

The only reason I left is because I never get my just due, I never get the respect I deserve. All these rubbish traders on trade2win havent got a clue about trading and they get more respect than me .......They win all the awards on trade2win because they the admin staff ...groupy mentality!!

Is that jealousy?

Too many charlatans on trade2win , I am the destroyer of charlatans thats why I never get the respect that is due !! But its fine , I will keep nailing 300-500 points a week and I will crush them with my consistency and stats !!

What hours are these trades done through because reading through these posts, someone pointed out that you sometimes lost money during market hours but then made them back during the Asian session at 4 in the morning. Is there an automated service or do your subscribers need to get up during the middle of the night? 😆
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Haters keep hating .....haha!!

100+ pips with subscribers today

nasdaq long
ftse short
nasdaq long

all within 24 hrs before I go on Holiday

Wallstreet1928= Floyd Mayweather

"You either hate me or you love me, but I'll make you respect me"
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

With respect (no pun intended), if you're doing as well as your stats suggest, why do you need 'respect' from anyone else?

Fug 'em.

You know what you do. Surely that's enough?

Have a good holiday (...but you're going to kick yourself on the timing...)
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Haters keep hating .....haha!!

100+ pips with subscribers today

nasdaq long
ftse short
nasdaq long

all within 24 hrs before I go on Holiday

Wallstreet1928= Floyd Mayweather

"You either hate me or you love me, but I'll make you respect me"

I had £500 before I ate my cornflakes this morning, So!

I dont hate anyone but do you not realise how silly it sounds when you post I got xy and z with subscribers today, day after day, Im begining to wonder if you have subscribers at all, I know there have been one or two post from the like on here but none seem to come back and none have confirmed that they also traded the same and pocketed the same trades.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

oh god. we got a wild one here. This guy is complaining about not getting enough recognition on tarde2win when he is using the forum to attract new subscribers. bite the hand that feeds you at your peril!

here look I have corrected your signature 'I have the trading edge' to 'I think I have an edge it works so well I need to charge people to pay for my holidays'.

how about a bit of transparency, sign up to forexdesk or myforexbook they are free and demonstrate you are profitable.

before you get on the hater thing, I am not saying you are not profitable you are certainly a mid level+ vendor (you wouldn't believe some of the nonsense that goes on)but at least be transparent.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

oh god. we got a wild one here. This guy is complaining about not getting enough recognition on tarde2win when he is using the forum to attract new subscribers. bite the hand that feeds you at your peril!

here look I have corrected your signature 'I have the trading edge' to 'I think I have an edge it works so well I need to charge people to pay for my holidays'.

how about a bit of transparency, sign up to forexdesk or myforexbook they are free and demonstrate you are profitable.

before you get on the hater thing, I am not saying you are not profitable you are certainly a mid level+ vendor (you wouldn't believe some of the nonsense that goes on)but at least be transparent.

Oh SH5467....I don't mean to come across as a hater of haters, but try as a I might, this instinct called fairness gets in the way.

First, you picked the wrong guy's signature to destroy - that was not wallstreet's signature, it was dc2000's. A little attention might help your trading.

Second, I know it helps to be a grand (but anonymous) keyboard warrior slaying the vendors but you're sounding a bit like don quixote smiting the windmills here. Initially you spout some rubbish in pocrel's thread questioning his trading skills when he has placed hundreds of successful live trades with charts, and then you wander on to wallstreet's thread and, without bothering to examine the many hundreds of successful live trades that litter this thread, proceed to land feet first in your mouth again. What is it with carpet bombing the threads of vendors who have actually done the decent thing and posted live trades to demonstrate their edge?

Having said that, I have some constructive criticism for other recent participants in this thread as well:

(a) Wallstreet: You are one of my early heroes on trade2win, very few of them these days. The one thing I learnt from you was not to let EGO get in the way of both trading and life generally. Your recent posts are not in line with this philosophy my friend, they are becoming ever so stridently victorious and tend to be more like marketing (on this, SH5467 is not entirely wrong) - I would urge you to consider this. Oh, and happy holidays...well deserved no doubt.

(b) DC2000: An old poster who, to me, is a new poster. I respect you for your contributions to the other FTSE thread - although, from your prior postings on this thread, respect from internet denizens is clearly not high on the agenda! However, there really is no point getting into a slanging match here. You and wallstreet clearly have different trading methodologies, both successful. Why try to outshout each other? Accept the excellence in each other. I wish you the very best in your already superlative trading.

Now, if we could all pipe down and engage in genuine trading discussion, that would be great. And SH5467, detention after class for you - because I said so.

Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Oh SH5467....I don't mean to come across as a hater of haters, but try as a I might, this instinct called fairness gets in the way.

First, you picked the wrong guy's signature to destroy - that was not wallstreet's signature, it was dc2000's. A little attention might help your trading.

Second, I know it helps to be a grand (but anonymous) keyboard warrior slaying the vendors but you're sounding a bit like don quixote smiting the windmills here. Initially you spout some rubbish in pocrel's thread questioning his trading skills when he has placed hundreds of successful live trades with charts, and then you wander on to wallstreet's thread and, without bothering to examine the many hundreds of successful live trades that litter this thread, proceed to land feet first in your mouth again. What is it with carpet bombing the threads of vendors who have actually done the decent thing and posted live trades to demonstrate their edge?

Having said that, I have some constructive criticism for other recent participants in this thread as well:

(a) Wallstreet: You are one of my early heroes on trade2win, very few of them these days. The one thing I learnt from you was not to let EGO get in the way of both trading and life generally. Your recent posts are not in line with this philosophy my friend, they are becoming ever so stridently victorious and tend to be more like marketing (on this, SH5467 is not entirely wrong) - I would urge you to consider this. Oh, and happy holidays...well deserved no doubt.

(b) DC2000: An old poster who, to me, is a new poster. I respect you for your contributions to the other FTSE thread - although, from your prior postings on this thread, respect from internet denizens is clearly not high on the agenda! However, there really is no point getting into a slanging match here. You and wallstreet clearly have different trading methodologies, both successful. Why try to outshout each other? Accept the excellence in each other. I wish you the very best in your already superlative trading.

Now, if we could all pipe down and engage in genuine trading discussion, that would be great. And SH5467, detention after class for you - because I said so.



yes sorry I got the wrong signature. And sorry to dc2000 he gets more artistic license as he is not a vendor. At least you recognise that the OP has a marketing twang and gigantic ego to match, his demands for recognition certainly dont fit with the mindset of a successful trader.

If you actually read what I wrote I didnt say the OP wasnt profitable. I even went as far as saying I wasnt saying he wasnt profitable. I was just asking for some transparency.

I am all for people posting live trades to demonstrate their edge but lets be sensible and keep it real and transparent. I don't know why you are bringing Pocrel into this discussion, my initial post on his thread was actually trying to convince him not to become a vendor. Again I have not said he he is not profitable I have just questioned if the edge was decent why the need to charge noobs.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

Because there is no expansion in the balance sheet, ie no FURTHER QE at the moment. All the money has already been used to buy the short term side - "Twist" is to adjust the yield curve and was always going to be $ positive.
Yield curves: Yield curve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There is a lot of opposition to QE3 although it will probably happen later in the year or 2012.
FTSE needs to break 4900-5400 range for definitive - at the moment it's just boxed in.

2 down days exactly same as the last 3 times.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

To sh5467

I think if Wallstreet1928 was a fake, or not profitable, he would have been discovered before now. As he's been here for some years successfully calling the market, your argument does seem a little futile.

However, I do see that it would be very useful for Newbies to see Vendors history via my fx book, or some other similar tool - it would bring a great level of transparency. But as long as there is a reasonable demand for vendors, and as long as clients don't request (or expect) transparency, vendors will continue as is.

Equally you can't expect to change the way Vendors operate by shouting the odds on T2W. It looks childish for a start. If you feel so passionately about it, why not start a thread/campaign calling for Vendor transparency, in a focused and professional manner.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

To sh5467

Equally you can't expect to change the way Vendors operate by shouting the odds on T2W. It looks childish for a start. If you feel so passionately about it, why not start a thread/campaign calling for Vendor transparency, in a focused and professional manner.

I agree with what you say, here. sh5437 and several others attack vendors individually.
He is attacking Mr Charts on another thread, as well. WS and I don't hit it off too well but I solved the matter by staying away. We don't annoy each other that way. If posters like the way that he runs the thread, good for him.

T2W should be the ones to be approached on vendor policy, not the thread operator.
Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

I would sign any petition for that. I think the way vendors operate should be more controlled and they should at least have to pay Trade2Win before being listed. wallstreet1928 calls this his blog yet it is on a public forum attended by newbie traders - there is a certain irony in that.
if you run a word cloud on this thread of posts from 2011, the word "subscriber" comes out bold in top along with "crash" and a few other things.
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