Re: Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders
But the other thing is the bank , the withdrawals are so expensive , they take 4% of your
money on the account , and I dont wonder about this ......
I meet a old trader , he is trading 40 years and he said to me :
The bank makes so long b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t with your money until you got nothing left ..😆
Have something changed ? No I dont believe , that is something getting better ....
These forum is only for sellers of the bank to animise newbies , with every account
opening and closing the bank get good profit , because it is impossible , to come in win
from trading ....🙁😡
I try this 6 years , always get stophunts on spikes and other nice things .....
Conection errors and login errors are good for margincalls , the stoploss is not garanted
1000 bugs to change your limits and stoplosses , every week others to ropp your money.
I would never trade with money on a real account , have tested 100 times , never win .
Now I go on holyday for ever , because shoting gallery programms are not interesting for me anymore , if you have learn your lesson like I do , you would agree ....
😱 sleeping is better than trading = performance is 100% no loss overall 😆😀
have a good sleep