Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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Good evening to all .......

I have been very busy recently and now the wait is over........

I have set up my new website now chaps and I would like to offer my kind invitation to everyone to come and join me.........(the website is 80% complete and it still needs tweaking a bit, any suggestions to improve it and any criticism is more than welcome)

I will be much more active on the website as it has a chat function which will allow us all to discuss potential set ups .......etc, in real time and I will do my utmost to give you my sincere advice(without any EGO, for free and there is no catch......you will be glad to here as I am not a shark). I really like it on T2W(especially Dentist's charts and Dr Blix's antics) and I will still remain loyal and do my utmost to post on here too. I just don't like the way this blog keeps getting hijacked by people who want to sell there services because they see how popular this thread is , and that is not what this thread is about.

I have partnered with InTheMoneyStocks.com and negotiated a discount for everyone that joins the Research Centre and Educational Webinars. I have been asked on numerous occasions from all my fellow trading buddies as to whether or not I would recommend you to join any of the InTheMoneyStocks.com educational products. The link will be on the website by tomorrow hopefully(if not by the end of the week) and I would encourage everyone to join if they really want to learn to trade the markets.

I am just a novice like you my friends, I certainly do not profess to be an expert and I never will especially after the the extreme volatility recently. We can all take the journey together and learn how to trade the markets from the experts, not from novices who claim to know how to trade because they have had a good run recently. We should only learn from professionals who have been in the business for a long time with a proven track record and have learnt from experts themselves, in an unbroken chain of knowledge which use to be the traditional way.

If you want to learn a science you must go to the professor not the student ?

The student will do his utmost to teach you everything he has learnt but he will never have the ability to quench your thirst, only the Professor has the ability to do that my friends.

I would just like to make it clear that I would never recommend any product or individual until I had well and truly benefited from it myself. I am certainly indebted to the ITMS team, with the likes of Bryan Leighton, Gareth Soloway, Lou Cardinali and Nicholas Santiago who are a remarkable bunch of individuals with years of experience and are proven seasoned traders. I have learnt a substantial amount of my technique from them and I continue to do so. I would not be the trader I am today if it were not for there amazing ability to read the markets so successfully and explain the intricacies of the variables that cause the markets to move in either direction.

The aim is to eventually organise daily videos in order to cover the Key variables and levels for the European markets. ITMS will also be posting analysis on the FTSE 100 and the DAX in the very near future.........

I have a lot of ideas for your website(its not mine) and with all your help and support it will act as a beacon of knowledge to aid and help the new trader to become proficient independently.

I will re-quote InTheMoneyStocks famous motto;
"we aim to teach you how to fish , as opposed to feeding you the fish"
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Congrats on setting up the website. I just realised this thread has got well over a thousand views a day on average in only 9 months
Hey Pentlow, what you trading today? You are usually a DOW trader are you in at the moment?


Apologies for not replying to this post yesterdy. I had a quiet day yesterday. i had a long FTSE possi overnight and then took my profits in the am. For the rest of the day I sat out of it, as i really had no clear picture of what was going on, and with it being a holiday in the USA. Trus you had a good day.
ftse looking toppy on the daily

Apologies for not replying to this post yesterdy. I had a quiet day yesterday. i had a long FTSE possi overnight and then took my profits in the am. For the rest of the day I sat out of it, as i really had no clear picture of what was going on, and with it being a holiday in the USA. Trus you had a good day.

Hi Pentlow,

I had a good day i suppose but need to sort out when i exit and take profit etc.

I shorted the dow yesterday from 10317 and although was up 60 pnts or so but i didnt close the position and ended up being stopped out at 10301! 👎

I also shorted RIO for +20p but see I could have made 3 or more times this amount!

Had some success shorting the FTSE as well.

Missed some nice moves on cable and euro dollar.

Hey ho.

Started late today but i am currently short FTSE from 5279 and made +12p on a little short flutter on BHP.

What you up to today?

Hi Pentlow,

I had a good day i suppose but need to sort out when i exit and take profit etc.

I shorted the dow yesterday from 10317 and although was up 60 pnts or so but i didnt close the position and ended up being stopped out at 10301! 👎

I also shorted RIO for +20p but see I could have made 3 or more times this amount!

Had some success shorting the FTSE as well.

Missed some nice moves on cable and euro dollar.

Hey ho.

Started late today but i am currently short FTSE from 5279 and made +12p on a little short flutter on BHP.

What you up to today?

Just got in from the school run and walking the dog....so missed this movement, will watch and wait I think. The markets are undecided, so could see some whippy action, which i find difficult to trade. Might wait for the US figures today at 1.30 . Good luck today.
Just got in from the school run and walking the dog....so missed this movement, will watch and wait I think. The markets are undecided, so could see some whippy action, which i find difficult to trade. Might wait for the US figures today at 1.30 . Good luck today.

Ok and thanks for the luck - all appreciated!

Would be nice to see a gap fill from Tuesday - fingers crossed.

shame i couldn't get paid for just writing crap all day...unless they're hiring at the news of the world?! :idea:
shame i couldn't get paid for just writing crap all day...unless they're hiring at the news of the world?! :idea:

My friend i think that would be an excellent idea for you! To write a newspaper/magazine column or something like that! (in addition to the trading...I am not trying to be funny)

I am sure most on this thread would love to read your ramblings.

Keep up the good work my friend.

BTW, "do i need to learn technical analysis and how long will it take" made me laugh, very funny (and yes i remember the post LOL)


Come on FTSE reject 5268.....come on....come play with 5230...its so nice down here
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