Wallstreet1928 Analysis & live calls on FTSE,DAX,S&P...aimed to help New traders

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The initial reaction was a sell-off.... and also take a look at crude at its lows as we speak. Technical indicators help but news is everything folks.

Mr Lakhan, this is a very good article to read my friend as it covers the argument of Fundamental and Technical Analysis. i would just like to confirm that I respect both camps, always follow what works for you chaps, because its all about the bottom line.

What Makes Prices Move?

Today I will go over what I think drives price movement in the markets, why I hold these beliefs, and why I think it is important to understand the forces in price movement. Keep in mind the following theories are my opinions, not absolute fact. I believe in technical analysis much more than fundamental analysis, which will be reflected in this feature. There are people out there that will probably disagree with some of my statements below, which is fine. However, it is my hope that this information will provide value for our readers and at least make people think.

People often ask "did fundamentals trump technicals on that trade?" or something along those lines. No offense to anyone out there, but that is a ridiculous question. There are not two boxers names "fundamental analysis" and "technical analysis" slugging it out for trading supremacy. Sometimes a major news announcement will shoot the price past a strong technical level, but that's why I don't enter trades right before a major news announcement. How do we measure "fundamentals" though? Does that mean an announcement today, the overall economic scope of a country over the past century, or something in between?

The reality is that the only force that moves prices in any market is the buying and selling of the financial instrument. For our purposes, we will use currency trading as an example, but this is true in all liquid, openly traded markets. Currency prices don't fluctuate on their own. They only move up when traders are willing to buy at a price higher than the current price, and the only move down when traders are willing to sell at a lower price. That sounds incredibly simple, but this is a very important fact to establish.

The reason it is important to determine that traders move the market, is that this means no one can predict exactly where the market will go. Only probabilities at certain ranges can be determined, and usually the probabilities aren't overwhelming (they don't need to be). So the next time you hear someone say "XYZ is going to hit (black price) today!", take those predictions with a massive grain of salt. They are saying that they know exactly what every trader is thinking, how much each of those traders will buy or sell, when they will buy or sell it, how the buying or selling of others will affect their own buying or selling, and how every trader will react to news announcements (both scheduled and unscheduled). Let's presume that some incredible genius figured out a way to create artificial intelligence that could solve each of those issues (and more I am leaving out). That model would assume that people are rational (like fundamental analysis does). Unfortunately, there is no limit to how irrational traders can act, individually and as a group. Therefore, it becomes obvious that no one person can ever know exactly where a price will go.

This seemingly endless list of variables, along with the irrational behavior of traders, is why I believe in technical analysis. Technical analysis uses various ratios and drawings that, in my opinion, are designed to measure the behavior of traders. We aren't trying to explain why they are doing what they do. As we discussed above, it is impossible to know what is going through every trader's brain. Instead, we are trying to determine certain levels where traders are more likely to act one way then another. With technical analysis, you can do basically the same thing every time. If you watch the patterns we post, they are basically the same patterns on different pairs every day. We try to eliminate as many random variables as we can. It is important to have a robust strategy, as we do, that works over all markets and all time frames. If a strategy only works on one financial instrument with one time frame, chances are that strategy won't work for long. After doing this, we can measure if we have an "edge" over a very large sample of trades. This isn't a guarantee that what once made money will always make money, but it is a lot better than nothing.

I am sure you can guess where this is going regarding fundamentals. Now there are different type of fundamental trading. If you trade based off of an announcement that came out today, that is very different from a trader who looks at long term macroeconomics. If you trade strictly off of new announcements, that is a steep uphill battle. First of all, there are a lot of people out there that think the markets move ahead of the news. I am one of them. Second, markets can gap immediately after news announcements and can really hurt your execution with every broker. Third, markets often don't react according the exact numbers released in these news announcements. This goes back to the fact that traders are irrational and you have no idea how they will perceive news announcements. This can lead to wild swings, moves opposite of what makes sense, and other crazy events.

So how can someone consistently profit over a long period of time (at least 100 trades) by looking at individual news announcements? You've got me. Even if a trader won at times, how can you be consistent when every reaction is so different? A trader who looks at the big picture over a longer period of time faces a similar problem. Sure, a currency may be "supposed" to move one way based on the economic measures a trader uses, but that only matters if traders buy or sell in that direction. How does this trader know that other traders will rationally interpret this information like he did? On top of that, one of my favorite trading quotations is "the markets can stay irrational much longer than your account can remain solvent." This means that the market could finally come around your way to the rational economic price, but you could already be knocked out by that point.

I could talk forever about this topic, but I will cut myself off for now. The point is that we don't know exactly why prices will move, where they will move, or why they moved where they did. That is why we take the approach of applying a consistent, technical method that has been tested over a long period of time. I will probably write a follow up at some point, because I have a lot more to say on this topic. Hopefully you enjoyed this article and it makes you think about the markets in a slightly different light.
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dollar index etf
60 min data points.starting to base out.but a big res area still to cross.an upward target is active /light blue

Will this have any impact on the market?

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- The House of Representatives late Saturday night approved a historic bill to remake the U.S. health-care system, delivering President Barack Obama a key procedural victory on his top domestic priority after a lengthy and sometimes emotional day of debate on the nearly 2,000-page measure.

By a vote of 220-215, lawmakers approved a 10-year, $1.055 trillion bill that aims to put in place near-universal health-care coverage in the United States, would require individuals to buy and most businesses to offer coverage, and expand Medicaid. Poorer Americans would get subsidies to buy insurance under the bill, and insurers would be barred from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.
uup.if this is a bottoming pattern.then a horizontal count can be performed.
same chart as previously shown.the horizontal count will become active on the first box printed above the red line.gives a target of 24.75.approx 7.5% away
log box size.need to see some rising lows before the breakout..i think..but nevertheless dollar is looking bullish
60 min close data.a close at 23.00 area will make stocks bearish

Technicals v Fundementals- Big subject that could be argued for years- Never understood why you have to be in 1 camp or the other- My method is use fundementals to form my view then trade when the Technicals confirm my view! Fundemental analysis looks forward- Technical analysis looks back- It helps to know where you have been to decide where you are going!
Technicals v Fundementals- Big subject that could be argued for years- Never understood why you have to be in 1 camp or the other- My method is use fundementals to form my view then trade when the Technicals confirm my view! Fundemental analysis looks forward- Technical analysis looks back- It helps to know where you have been to decide where you are going!

welcome, welcome my friend

very well written
DID anyone watch the fight last night?

It really was David V Goliath re-enacted

Haye shocks Valuev to take crown

Britain's David Haye put on a magnificent performance to claim the WBA heavyweight crown from Russian Nikolay Valuev in Nuremberg.
Haye, 29, won by majority decision, winning the fight on two judges' scorecards, with the other judge scoring it even.
The Londoner, giving away seven stone to his 7ft opponent, fought the perfect fight, staying on the move and making the lumbering Valuev look every one of his 36 years with his speed.
It is much easier to comment after the market close, but anyway here are my five cents..

Even with such an interesting trend line, i wouldnt go short on that graph, the point is that the last leg up passes the 50%fib ret if youre into it.

And if you check it, the last red candle has a low volume when compared to the one that precedes it..

But once again, it is so much easier to say that now... 🙂

Best regards,



Is this resistance for a close down from here hrm
Manchester Utd 0 - Chelsea 0

Half time

I am long on Chelsea and short on Manchester Utd

I have no hedge and no stop loss..........no risk management!!

anybody else?
excellent video about US Bailout

search youtube "Once in a century rip-off" include quotes, from therealnews
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