And another thing......
Just wanted to share something that really affected me yesterday.
I read on another thread that someone lost 98% of their trading account yesterday (and this guy wasnt a newbie!)
Would seem he got in a bad position and tried to trade out of it rather than walking away and coming back in a clear state of mind.
This really brought home that even when we progress, we can still our own biggest problem.
Just thought i would mention it as sometimes we need a reality check. Especially as discussion was made on ramping up position sizes etc.
The larger the position the greater the emotional challenge to execute the trade and manage it effectively. I have recently experimented with larger positions. Thankfully not amazingly large but larger than recent trades and also thankfully not at detriment to my account! But the emotions do ramp up and you either take less trades and miss opportunities as you try and make things perfect, snatch profits only to see larger moves play out, or win big and lose big, all these elements can create bad emotions which hamper trading. IMHO trading is as much about keeping your emotions under control as it is about strategy. And success to me is about doing what make you feel good emotionally. If you do not enjoy seeing profit eaten by a reversal then learn how and when to partially close positions to protect your account and protect your emotional sanity! You can always add more on the retrace and if the retrace doe not come you still have a position in the market. So the emotional damage is limited.
Risk management (and emotion management) is the key and if we want more from the market in terms of money, we need to become more skillful as traders to take larger pnts/pips rather than leverage the position. Leverage can come later but focus on the pnts/pips and do not over leverage the account.
Success is a poor teacher.
We can be foolish in an instant and repent for a long time.
Please do not take this as patronising but I do not want anyone to lose 98% of their account and i would urge anyone to share realities from time to time so we do not get carried away with ourselves after a string of successful trades.
I wish everyone amazing success.
All the Best.