i have been watching the market for a while i only really need to trade 5am-8am but go to 12pm sometimes.
The afternoon kills me because tiredness kicks in with an element of greed.
hah! well im getting a coder to get the system to output to a funky website. no scam crap. it will output exactly what the system does on to different timeframes and to email/sms.
im sick of reading junk on the net regarding trading i know i spout drivel sometimes but jesus! time for a change.
id rather someone who didnt know about trading used the system for me as it is simply up or down! and you might nick it!
i gave the cat a dam good talking to and he's promised me he'll use his own broker account from now on...
👍 Sounds good. I'm experiementing with something similar, at first i had a daily target, then weekly, now I'm preferring a monthly target instead.
I have fairly low targets (few hundred pts per month) and at very low £/p. Reason I changed to monthly is to allow me to trade higher timeframes, so I may only have a handful of trades per month, each lasting a few days. Definitely is more relaxing, and (theoretically) I should be able to make an income eventually, when I start getting consistent. Thats the plan anyhow.
Yeah, the only problem i'm having with it at the moment is getting my head around the bigger stops - and subsequently bigger losses when it doesn't go my way. Although the winners do make up for the losers most of the time.
Really glad to hear you're pushing along with the signals idea, FF - I'm rooting for a clear voice inthe wilderness out there.
But cmon, you've been at this long enough to be still falling prey to that old green eyed monster in the pm! I do exactly the same but I'm still new so I have an excuse!
As for the WII idea, If you get one we can form an online club for TradersWhoAreAgainstAfternoonTrading (T.W.A.A.A.T.s for short). Get your wii linked up online and I'll leave you in the dust on MarioKart :cheesy:
nice mate. well ill be done trading around 12pm each day i reck if not earlier. i was thinking of hiring escorts and going out to get trashed every day.
unfortunately the 5am start is a bit of a killer if one has a hangover.
yeh i just need to follow the system. i might get a blackboard and write it out 16000 times.
My swatting of the fly worked then!! - i wasnt in a pos. i stopped trading @ 12pm today like a good boy.
mate you have no idea.
i am my worst enemy... i have even considered employing someone to trade for me.
i have built my own system and all i have to do is sit there and press buy when it changes to blue and sell when it goes to red. The system works but me pffftt.
infuriating. Have looked at automating but its going to take yonks.
any ideas?
either employ someone or what!
I'm in exactly the same boat. Everyday looking back at the charts and thinking how if I had just followed the system...
Yeah, sod the wii, escorts why not, then there's the added motivation of trading to pay it off the next day...
Leo - your 4300 is finally here! tell me you're well positioned for the breakout!? I'm not in, anything below I'll get involved if with 4300 at my back if the move is strong enough.
EDIT: 4294, 14May
FF what language are looking to code your system into? MT4, or some other code?