ws is it at all possble when you have time to pm or post the portfolio of markets you have open for a days trading please and the TF's you look at on those..
from what i have gathered so far the list consists at least of the following
us dollar index
ftse minning sector (rio)
ftse oil sector (brent crude?)
ftse bank sector (barclays)
any additonas, confirmation or advice from anyone would be much appreciated
edit: oh and the ftse of course
For my tuppence worth, read up on FTSE's own website (see attached fact sheet for starters).
As you can see, 10 companies make up 52% of FTSEs weighting - also notice the sector weightings and relation to oil/banking etc. Not saying these are necessarily the leaders, but a good place to start - what i did was tear off their prices and keep them up during the day, then changing them around with other companies, seeing the relation with the price movements and FTSE movements.
Spend time thinking of the connections with what effects what, getting a handle on constituents is useful.