Vto 5 day rsi system

I just read this thread and so decided to experiment a little on e-mini.

I have not played around much with the values, but just added an MA moderator to make general differentiation between bull and bear market and moved RSI o/b and o/s bands 20% either side of 50 depending if bullish or bearish.

Use 5 day RSI
Moderate with 21 day simple MA
When price below MA use 30 & 50 RSI levels for buy/sell
When price above MA use 50 & 70 RSI levels for buy/sell

The equity curve is impressively smooth (attached) but this is little deceptive as time period is long so disguises fact that for e.g. there is a 6k draw at one point in 2003.
However saying that average winner at ~4.9k is more than twice that of average loser and out of 75 trades 50 are profitable.
Would take some ballsy discipline at times but may just be workable.


  • Equity Curve e-mini RSI system.JPG
    Equity Curve e-mini RSI system.JPG
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FWIW, here is EL Code. Should note I just used day session data and daily chart.

Inputs: AvLength(21), RSILength(5), BuyBull(50), SellBull(70), BuyBear(30), SellBear(50);

{Bull or Bear defined by MA, then RSI used to buy and sell}
if C < Average(close,AvLength) then begin

if RSI(Close, RSILength) > SellBear then
Sell ("BearSell") Next bar at market;

If RSI(Close, RSILength) < BuyBear then
Buy ("BearBuy") Next bar at market;


if currentbar>1 and close > average(close,AvLength) then begin

if RSI(Close, RSILength) > SellBull then
Sell ("BullSell") Next bar at market;

If RSI(Close, RSILength) < BuyBull then
Buy ("BullBuy") Next bar at market;

Just having another look at this system. it is not bad. Made money recently, currently long e-mini.
Here is longer term equity curve.


  • Equity Curve e-mini RSI system.JPG
    Equity Curve e-mini RSI system.JPG
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It is actually not doing badly basis past performance. The chart is a bit long term to really see what is going on in shorter time frame. Basis 1 lot here is realised PnL since 01-July-04.

July $2,675.00
Aug ($300.00)
Sep $250.00
Oct $75.00

So not a lot of action recently.


  • VTO MA mod e-mini.PNG
    VTO MA mod e-mini.PNG
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Here is last year


  • VTO MA mod e-mini 0304.PNG
    VTO MA mod e-mini 0304.PNG
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vto system update

There's a poster named nocona at clearstation.com, qqqq board who's come up with an interesting variant on vto's idea, its being played out by another poster named berniebaruche as we speak. He puts the trades public at cs rec system.

He makes one compelling point, that being if each reader of these posts were to haul out his december brkr statements and compare them to vto's 8 year record, they might be shocked.

I think the reason more people don't take the time to do so is we've fallen into an instant satisfaction online worl where folks just want a quick chart and no homework.
I think the reason more people don't take the time to do so is we've fallen into an instant satisfaction online worl where folks just want a quick chart and no homework.

Without homework I fear one is destined for "Carey Street" To be successful, it is necessary to keep on honing the mind to become sharp enough to see what the market is prepared to give, and then do not let greed or fear take over. The twin evils of trading!!!!

Glad to hear it, let me know what you think after comparing your eoy brkr stmts against vto's gain since 1997. I can't believe a free, public system like theirs is so unknown. I think that while everyone chases the holy grail, the smoke and sizzle sometimes obsucures a solution right in front of them.

If you like what you see after the above comparison, then look at noconas improvement to vto's system

Free system overview www.vtoreport.com

ps: they sell nothing, and advertise nothing.
Its all explained at their site at www.vtoreport.com then click the rsi tab there. I've run into some very cynical people on boards like this(not you) so I'd like to stress the vto system is free and their website sells NOTHING.
Update on vto system. There is a poster named Nocona at www.clearstation.com who has come up with a very viable method of scaling into the vto system buys. His results are better than the original system , with less drawdowns.

There is also discussion at the same qqqq board over there about a blended signal system called 2X, however these are signals from a pay signal service so they may not be appropriate for discussion on this board.

On my own system, I just sold long positions Friday 6/24/05 in Umpix. I’m currently on version 21.Q.
Did not find anything over there about VTO, could you explain what he is suggesting or give direct link to his post?
sounds interesting.
Thankyou very much. Will play with this idea a bit.
Always like the simple things.
August 28, 2005 The vto system is currently long. Seen with past results at www.vtoreport.com. Its my opinion that most investors could take their statements from 1997 on and compare them to vtos results and be quite shocked.
this vto stuff is just a trick. the results bear no relation to real trading.