VSAtrader / Socrates discussion

Yes but you started it ~ not me.

So, if it is an apoolgy you are seeking, it is for you to apologise to me first and then I will be happy to apologise to you in return.

However, and not withstanding the previous, all the members on this site can observe that anyone who starts on me gets more than they bargain for or can cope with.

I don't know about the other one, but if you are referring to Bulldozer I will agree his departure is a relief, but then not for the reasons you might think. The real reason is that he was on the brink of spilling all the beans about his methods and how it is he arrives at the correct consclusion with deadly accuracy which is what everyone and his kat wants to know but is not entilted to, Bigbusiness please.

And so the brain drain continues on this site.

In my case, I remain here, but my brain is not for picking but for me to enjoy a bit of fun with all of you. Long may the mirth continue.

Actually, you started it but I am not in the mood for handbag swinging. If I have caused you any offence in the past, I apologise. I would have thought you were man enough to do the same, but perhaps not. Isn't that a great polite insult 🙂
oatman said:
What's a goat's ****? 😕 I'll have a look, there are plenty of them here. 😆
Oaty, if only you would persist and not become distracted and flit from thread to thread as you usually do, and search diligently instead, there is a real gem as a prize, but you have to search for it, but I promise there is one there. I would be pleased if you, of all people were to find it.
Welcome back long time no post.

Kind Regards,
No answer. Not surprisingly.

Personally I would prefer someone who swore like a trooper and I could trust than someone with the gilded gift of the gab that I couldn't. A personal view and nobody should take that personally. Very strange thread indeed.

Anybody on here actually trade, seriously?
Over the Top said:
No answer. Not surprisingly.

Personally I would prefer someone who swore like a trooper and I could trust than someone with the gilded gift of the gab that I couldn't. A personal view and nobody should take that personally. Very strange thread indeed.

Anybody on here actually trade, seriously?
No of course not, you are never going to get an answer if you say it deliberately is not a question are you now, eh ?
SOCARTES - my answer was in response to oatman's question in that I had no answer and that was not a surpirse given the question - and it's sublimely pertinent location within this thread.

The fault was mine in not yet having found how to quote another poster's post within my own.

But as this seems very much to be a test post thread, no harm done.
If you look on previous posts, you will read how my wife very recently underwent a very serious operation. I promised her to take 3 months off trading to make myself available to look after her.

In consequence of not having an obligation, I am totally free.

Ah, that explains the previous 2500 posts.

I am waiting for the right opportunity to open the floodgates on the perpetrators of hidden mischiefmaking that has gone on for years that I have chosen to ignore till now.

Isn't that something you said last year, and the year before that? Boy have we been waiting!
Is anyone here interested in talking about Tom Williams?

Hi book, his methods, etc. The ideas he put forth into the public domain before he had associations with Socrates or VSA trader?

I still see a lot of posturing and hearsay mudslinging between individuals and not much about Tom's ideas.

We will close this thread if no one has anything useful (or at least entertaining) to say...
JumpOff - there has been little of use or interest in this thread save that which you have just deleted.

As the content of the deleted posts was not in contravention of acceptable use guidelines for this site can you explain under what basis you deleted those posts?

Or are the moderators to be as much a law unto themselves as some members?
JumpOff said:
Hi book, his methods, etc. The ideas he put forth into the public domain before he had associations with Socrates or VSA trader?

I still see a lot of posturing and hearsay mudslinging between individuals and not much about Tom's ideas.

We will close this thread if no one has anything useful (or at least entertaining) to say...

Discussing Tom Williams was the point of the original thread, under Price and Volume. Frugi's point in creating this thread was, apparently, to allow (encourage?) the posturing, etc., rather than simply delete what had been the off-topic posts.. Now you have 150+ posts of the same. There was never intended to be anything useful about it, so it should never have been opened. So there's no reason not to close it.

Over the Top said:
JumpOff - there has been little of use or interest in this thread save that which you have just deleted.

As the content of the deleted posts was not in contravention of acceptable use guidelines for this site can you explain under what basis you deleted those posts?

Or are the moderators to be as much a law unto themselves as some members?

No OTT, you got it wrong. Soc's endless drivel, claptrap and role playing (as a successful trader) add great value to T2W. Challenges to Soc (particularly the ones he choose to run away from) do not. People need demagogues, so do websites.
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Tell you what, I am even ready to pay a subscription fee if they let me have a pop at Soc from time to time and stop defending him.

Great fun!
Somehow this thread brought up some old childhood memories.
When I was growing up, I lived in an area where the nearest store was about 3 miles away, and town was about another 20 miles down an unimproved road. The first 8 miles being a dirt road.
Anyway, myself and 2 friends were hanging out one day, and decided to walk to the store. We were, Troy age 9, myself age 10, and Tom age 11.
To get to the store we had walk down a road that went down one side of a canyon wall, then meandered around a bit, and then up the other side. At the bottom of the canyon was a creek about 2 to 2 ½ ft deep, and 12 ft or so wide.
When we got to the creek, we found a dead cat on the bridge. Being boys, we found ourselves some sticks to better inspect the dead cat with. After we got our fill of inspection, Tom kicked the cat off the bridge and into the creek, and we continued on to the store.
We bought our soda pops and chatted with the store owners, and began the journey back home. From the time we left the bridge on our way out, till the time we crossed the bridge on our way back, about 3hours had past.
When we got back to the bridge and looked over, there was a gazillion crawdads covering that dead cat. We could barely see the cat, there was so many crawdads. (some people call them crayfish)
Anyway, when I seen this thread I got this weird mental picture of Frugi kicking a dead cat into a creek. And J.O. trying to save the dead cat from the crawdads.

The mind can be a strange place sometimes 🙂
JumpOff said:
Hi book, his methods, etc. The ideas he put forth into the public domain before he had associations with Socrates or VSA trader?

I still see a lot of posturing and hearsay mudslinging between individuals and not much about Tom's ideas.

We will close this thread if no one has anything useful (or at least entertaining) to say...

what for. are you the internet police now?

this thread is in the foyer - so its not some special serious area - just a place for a giggle with out the usual over heavy handed censorship. if you have better things to do than moderate, then please go ahead and do them.

if people dont like this thread they dont have to read it. personally, i am finding it quite amusing, as are others - and as socrates says, there is infact a big diamond here if you only look for it - so it has value in remaining uncensored.
charliechan said:
what for. are you the internet police now?

this thread is in the foyer - so its not some special serious area - just a place for a giggle with out the usual over heavy handed censorship. if you have better things to do than moderate, then please go ahead and do them.

if people dont like this thread they dont have to read it. personally, i am finding it quite amusing, as are others - and as socrates says, there is infact a big diamond here if you only look for it - so it has value in remaining uncensored.
Of course there is a really fat diamond sitting there in the middle of all this, it is just that no one has stumbled on it. It is staring you in the face, as Tom says " it's screaming at you ! " But none of you can spot it for reasons that baffle me, it is so obvious and not so obvious.
But you have to work at it to get to it.

Now, all this blew up because I was only trying to be helpful, by quoting verbatim an assortment of Tom's sayings in the hope that these would prompt you all to have learned and dignified discussions, and for you to have realisations.

It seems that all these attempts to elevate the awareness of the membership are futile.

They attract the wrong kind of attention from the wrong kind of people with entirely the wrong attitudes and beliefs.

This is probably because his methods are not my methods. But you are all here to discuss his methods and to do homage to him. I am not interested in discussing them with you, nor am I interested in discussing my methods with anybody here at all, nor for any of you with me.

I am not even going to suggest a point for you to start, that is for all of you to decide between yourselves. There is a lot of material for you to discuss, about his book and about his ideas and his approaches, about his concepts, so there is in reality a lot. You just have to stop bickenring and start discussing,

You may end up by learning a lot or nothing at all, it's your call.
