As far as I am concerned, I've been interested in price and volume for years but I have never fully understood the rationale used by volume expounders. As you say, there is always a reason for why a price up or down on lots, or little, volume. Because of that, I hardly ever look at volume in practice, although I feel that it must have a place, somewhere. I'm going to try to put Pttrader's explanation to work next week but have spent a lot of time today looking at shares and, frankly, it doesn't seem to work- not some of the time- but most of the time. I know that a lot of the shares in the FT100 index are going to move one way or the other next week but I suspect that volume activity will not show me much light on the matter.
Anyway, Pttrader, thanks for your time and trouble. If I have some good trades by using volume, I'll be sure to let you know.