Jessops is about to go north
I know I'm new to trading and the stockmarket but I really believe that this company is a good one. Having been a customer for many years. Now from what I see (and reading the other boards) there's many an investor nervous about these shares.
I can understand why, almost 20 million in proffit last year and this year, 3 warnings. I've just "skint" myself and bought another £1500 quids worth which now puts my holding to 20,000 shares.
I hope my missus doesn't read this blog, because if she does then I'm in trouble. 😆
They won't make me rich if they do go north but will be a great springboard to some Ideas I've got mulling about in my brain.
So, why do I think that they will go north again? They are really undervalued at the moment, just look at the amount of assets they have. Everyone that is nervous about them say that their market has dissapeared with the internet. That's bollox in my opinion. The internet has been here for years, people still like to shop in shops. I think they have simply expanded too rapidly. Closing the stores that are none proffit making and cutting back the slack will sort them I'm sure. Put it this way, I've bet half of my trading capital on it anyway. We'll soon see come 29th.
I'd like to hear anyones thoughts