VinceGledhill's Blog

My first post and first holdings

Welcome to my blog.

It is my firm intention not to just get good at trading stocks and shares but to ultimately get rich doing it.

Here I am on 31 May 2007 with 7k in my investment account.

I've already got some stocks, purchased on a whim and a prayer. Not a good idea to buy.

Anyway I am currently holding.
14000 JSP Jessops stocks. I bought these because I saw them dive on my first day with any money in my sharedealing account. They went from over £1.00 down to 52p or so.

I thought that they would recover so I bought some at 52p (1000 quids worth) These then took yet another dive down to 16p after yet another proffit warning.

Instead of panicking I bought another £2000 worth at 16p therefore taking my average holding price down to 21p or there abouts.

Shortly afterwards the share price went up to 25p and I could have sold and got out with a proffit. I am still holding these shares hoping for some positive news towards the end of next month.

I will be back soon with more of my holdings and the reasons for the purchases.
2nd Purchase ITF

Another company that had taken a dive was Interlink foods.

My thoughts at that time were... they are at the bottom and can only rise.

I bought at 82p and watched with interest as they rose. Then a friend in the pub (long standing trader) said I shoud take a proffit as they rose. I watched them grow to 130p and sold out when they were on their way back down at 118p a decent proffit I thought.
Next Buy COST

Bought Costain group after reading a tip somewhere. They went down as soon as I had bought them.

No knowledge whatsoever about the stock market so decided to keep a hold until they recovered. As of today I am glad to say that they have done so and I am just about at break even with them.

I've just started getting into charting, or reading about it and from what I have seen so far these costain shares could go up as high as about 60p within a few months. I'll wait and see.

I will keep a close eye on them, unfortunately my bank doesn't allow me to put a stop loss on so I will have to do it myself manually.
Next Purchase FFY

Purchased Fyffes because of a downturn. Trouble is they have turned down even more.

Should have cut my losses earlier on this one. Still holding hoping for better. Will cut and run if I see something worth a punt as my knowledge grows.
VDI purchase

Having not done much with my previous purchases I thought I would try a different strategy. Purchased VDI because of the large buys by the management of this stock. Saw it upturn today because of a new contract. Hope it gains some interest.
Jessops is about to go north

I know I'm new to trading and the stockmarket but I really believe that this company is a good one. Having been a customer for many years. Now from what I see (and reading the other boards) there's many an investor nervous about these shares.

I can understand why, almost 20 million in proffit last year and this year, 3 warnings. I've just "skint" myself and bought another £1500 quids worth which now puts my holding to 20,000 shares.

I hope my missus doesn't read this blog, because if she does then I'm in trouble. 😆

They won't make me rich if they do go north but will be a great springboard to some Ideas I've got mulling about in my brain.

So, why do I think that they will go north again? They are really undervalued at the moment, just look at the amount of assets they have. Everyone that is nervous about them say that their market has dissapeared with the internet. That's bollox in my opinion. The internet has been here for years, people still like to shop in shops. I think they have simply expanded too rapidly. Closing the stores that are none proffit making and cutting back the slack will sort them I'm sure. Put it this way, I've bet half of my trading capital on it anyway. We'll soon see come 29th.

I'd like to hear anyones thoughts