Vince Stanzione?


Junior member

Has anyone heard of Vince Stanzione,finacial expert? What are your views on him and his systems?


Has anyone heard of Vince Stanzione,finacial expert? What are your views on him and his systems?


I am sure there are a lot of threads on him already, I have certainly read some on here in the past. I think generally people will say most of the information is available for nothing elsewhere.😴
Sorry for boring you, but I am new here.

Ok so I have just looked through the older threads. I get the picture.

One post said 'its not the Holy Grail' stop trying for a quick fix.

But I am just looking for a beginners guide in laymans terms!

Any help where to start!

Thank you
I think Vince teaches a system based on MA crossover signals, triggering when short MA crosses long. Such a system will work, I have no doubt whatsoever that he has made much money this way. It would take you 10 minutes to develop your own settings and rules for free, but it won't work very well in a sideways market when the MAs keep crossing like braids. So you had better have plenty of capital or use very small positions to meet the unavoidable severe draw-downs.
Don't pay some guy to teach you to trade off a MACD if that's what he's's a bad habit to go off and it won't make you much money.
😉 BoxerSam there is a lot of information on this site. I have found lots of useful info, I think if you read some of Mr.Charts, Trader_Dante & even though he seems to be a bit controversial TheRumpledOne then I am sure you will find something that gets you thinking and may connect with the style of trading you want.. then you can start researching that style. I suppose everyone is different, for instance the idea of swing trading and overnight, days on end does not suit me. I want to wait for a strong signal then in for a quick move and safely out before leaving 'puter. Good luck🙂
you can buy vids /dvds of his trading days going cheap on ebay.
they're cheap for a very good reason.
There are some of his videos of his seminas on youtube. I suggest you go look and see how general and wishy-washy his advice is. There's nothing he says that can't be found here.
Vince Stanzione concentrates on medium to longish term trading of forex, commodities, indices and interest rates. Aside from his (rather expensive) courses, you can sign up for his service which contains information on which trades you should be in, details of stop losses etc. Neither his courses nor his sevice are bad in my experience, and his monthly commentaries (Insider trader) are pithy and often quite amusing, but there are cheaper alternatives which give you something rather similar.

Check out CRB trendtrader for instance. I also combine this with their commentaries on commodities and futures (futures market service). CRB trendtrader looks and feels much the same as what Vince offers, and their weekly commentary gives you a sensible overview of news, fundamentals, weather, COT positions etc, which help you make up your mind as to which of their trades to follow.

I am not in any way connected with CRB (Commodities Research Bureau) by the way, and am not trying to sell any of their products. They are, however, one of the best known commodities services and have been around for the best part of a century, so most people with any experience of futures and commodities will have come across them.
Here is Vince's latest marketing to scare you into parting with your money....
I don't advise taking up the offer

"The last 12 months have sucked many into a false sense of security,
a sense that happy days are here again and that the good times are back.

I hate to break the news; the UK, Europe and USA are all facing massive problems.
The truth is the West will never return the prosperity it once had. Just do some
basic history checks and see what has happened in the past.

At best the West has 10 more years of no growth and weak economies at worse an
out and out currency collapse, devaluation and civil war as many will fight for
survival to put food on the table. I regret to say the latter is more likely.

Now is your chance to do something and protect and proposer from what I see coming.
You see when the billionaires are secretly taking steps for the coming collapse whilst
the public are being herded like sheep to the slaughter then I know which side I want
to be on.

If you’re serious about prospering and profiting for the next decade then you need to take
one day out of your life and come and spend it with myself, Jim Rogers and Dr Marc Faber.
It’s the 19th March 2010 and will most likely be the last day I ever hold in the UK.

Now you may be thinking that you know how to survive the coming crash, just go short with a
spread betting company or futures company – Wrong. If we have a financial collapse spread bets
and futures will be cancelled so you will get nothing.

Also if we have currency devaluation then anything you have will be worth less so you will get
paid out in devalued currency."
I must be Vince's new penpal.
2 emails inone day.
lucky me !!
George Soras - my aaas ! 😆
"""They say it's not what you know it's who you know. Well George
Soros told me at the weekend in Davos that the GBP/$ would be at
$1.58 before the end of this week and gave me other projections for
the next 6 months.

I am working on my presentation now from the Global Financial
Trading Day on 19th March 2010.

If you have not booked your place yet then what are you waiting

History is going to repeat its self, profit, protect or do nothing.

Just had a mailing from the great man himself. Spot the odd one out:

"Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Vince Stanzione"

Answers on a £20 note to.....

Just had a mailing from the great man himself. Spot the odd one out:

"Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Vince Stanzione"

Answers on a £20 note to.....


was interested in hearing 2 of 3 there - then saw the price north £2k for less than a day chat?

no thx plenty on youtube on the 2 for free.