Vince Stanzione Spread Betting Workbook FOR SALE

Trade to lose

Junior member
Vince Stanzione's workbook is on sale here:

You get over 100 pages of his techniques he uses
DVD of his training course
Sharescope Trial CD
His famous 'How to stop existing and start living' book
Access to his website

Please PM with offers!
You can pay me £20 and also postage and packaging to take the rubbish off your hands.

Trade to Lose,

serious question; are you a beginner / intermediate / expert trader ?
Did the info give you any insights you didnt already have ?
Have you tried his MA system ?
Have you tested his "seasonal trades" ?
Have you tried his "buy near end of month, and sell two days after" method ?

Are you selling because you have outgrown the info, or that the info is unworkable ?

less-than-serious: the CD and DVD make quite attractive coffee-cup coasters. 😉
Ok guys enough of the sarcasm,

Its not the holy grail but it is good. There is some good stuff in there and yes it has helped me to tweak my trading style. Yes, Vince is annoying in the DVD, but if you can get through it you will learn something. Remember people every little bit helps to make you a better trader. I think Vince is a fan of the Turtle trading system.

Trendie I have traded in Blue chips for the last two years and I would like to Spread bet indices!
Also I have read through the workbook several times and feel I can go without it now. I paid the full price and I wouldnt like anyone else to pay the full whack. Besides that someone can read it and then sell it on!
Trade to lose said:
I think Vince is a fan of the Turtle trading system.


His MA is workable, but he tends to be vague about which one he is using !! So you cant actually follow his trades.
You are right, T2L, if you are a beginner, it would give you an insight into various concepts and ideas.
But for slightly more experienced traders, it will be old hat.

Not too happy about you linking Turtles and VS in the same sentence - I am a BIG fan of Trend-Following and Richard Donchian, Ed Seykota et al.

Hope you get a good deal, and good luck on your trading. Hope you pop into our "Swing-Trading with a Difference" thread. 🙂
I will offer 2 cans of Winalot ( Tuna flavour ) and a second hand plunger for unblocking drains.

On second thoughts, that's a bit over the odds.

Make it 1 can of Winalot and the plunger.
i'll bid a tenner but no more than £20

only because i am seriously interested in what this guy is flogging

and i could do with a good laugh
Hiya traders,

Sorry Trendie for relating the Turtles with Vince simply no comparison. I too are looking into trend following and the commodity markets seem like a good place to start. At the moment Oldalbanian is using Vantage Point and seems to be doing very well. Any one using the turtle rules when trading and if so how are they working for you?

Thats the one Salty! With regards to the book he does everything in it himself and I've heard some people are paying huge amounts for his monthly newsletter.

Completely off the point, but has anyone read 'a beginners guide to day trading online' by Toni Turner?
Trade to Lose,

If you are looking for a trend following approach then check out The Principles of Profit elsewhere on this site. It is a position based trading approach (which doesnt suit me as I trade intra-day), but is well thought of and is inexpensive to buy. I have no association with them so this is not a commercially based post.

Trader333 said:
Trade to Lose,

If you are looking for a trend following approach then check out The Principles of Profit elsewhere on this site. It is a position based trading approach (which doesnt suit me as I trade intra-day), but is well thought of and is inexpensive to buy. I have no association with them so this is not a commercially based post.

Thanks for the advice triple 3,

Where did you learn you intraday trading? Do you trade UK or US?

Above book is an excellent book for Intraday trading-excellent!
The quick way: left-click on their name (to the left of their post), and a little window will open, with a few options, one of which is "send PM to this member" or very similar wording. Slower way: you can access your private messages box/page from the front page of this site by clicking on "community" and going to "my PM's" from that menu.
Vince Stanzione's workbook is on sale here:

You get over 100 pages of his techniques he uses
DVD of his training course
Sharescope Trial CD
His famous 'How to stop existing and start living' book
Access to his website

Please PM with offers!
Don't bother,