Video journal: I'm ****e at trading - watch me get better than all of you!

I'm sick as a parrot, it's Friday and the sun is out, so I'm going to try to recover in the garden.

So no streams today. Have a good weekend.
cant do any videos today, but i see this pretty solid res on the dow:

Being past 61% on the Fibonnaci with a lot of downward momentum for the last 45 mins.

To be honest I was just trying to find a reason to get back in and claw back my losses today. I don't know if that reasoning is legit or not. It didn't go a single point further as soon as I went in.
How's it going MA ?

Been helping gftrader 32 in his thread this last week or so - but how are you getting on with the 1 min and LRs etc

Lots of tips last 3-5 days in gft's journal that might help you as well - away in April for a bit - but will try and help out again before I go etc

Anyway good trading and keep at it - you will start to see improvements and clues etc every month if you can get the live chart time in - its all extra knowledge and experience that just helps you on your trading journey


How's it going MA ?

Been helping gftrader 32 in his thread this last week or so - but how are you getting on with the 1 min and LRs etc

Lots of tips last 3-5 days in gft's journal that might help you as well - away in April for a bit - but will try and help out again before I go etc

Anyway good trading and keep at it - you will start to see improvements and clues etc every month if you can get the live chart time in - its all extra knowledge and experience that just helps you on your trading journey



Hey FXMo,

I'm going okay thanks. I've been looking at the "coalface" of the 1min charts and the LRs this week. I purposely hadn't done any live-streams on it because honestly I concentrate better when I'm on my own and not talking, and this scalping stuff needs my full concentration, I've just been messing up on my trades whenever I did them on a live stream.

I'll post some charts instead in the meantime. I'll check out gftrader 32's journal, I haven't seen it yet. Thanks for your efforts. When are you leaving? Going anywhere nice?
will update properly my journal in a couple of days. in the meantime, im long EU scalp buy

I intend to re-start this journal if not tomorrow, then next week. Looking after the niece & nephew over the Easter hols gives me no time to watch a screen for more than 5 minutes without them saying "Pump up the paddling pool, your work is boring!" Those blighters are costing me money 😆