Video journal: I'm ****e at trading - watch me get better than all of you!

im short dow

couldnt be bothered to start a video just for this
I will make the live-streams shorter in future, I think people might get bored watching me for 30min stretches 😉

Around for a few hours again now - so check out 4 and 4 30 pm TW's on EU for next trades

3 39 pm was a scalp buy on EU from 0890 - but only made 0908 and needed 0920 to stay with it

Let me know when you have something lined up


the link was up, was it not visible?

but ok fair enough about the advance notice. will do in future 👍
i see this for posts 104/105:


I just paste the youtube link and it seemed to embed itself

Who else can't see the live streams?
4 00 pm

EU now at 0992 and above 83 still scalp buy mode

Still teasing up - but still not sure if the game plan is another LH under say 1010 - or whether the bulls can keep going

Hope that helps MA
Crazy tanking this morning, dow went past support. Would have been brave to go in either way. I haven't gone in at all yet. Maybe feeling the sting from thinking I was at support yesterday and getting nailed.

im going to look at the 3:21-39 window for (a bit) of Fomo's scalps to see if I can make head or tail of it yet lol
