VantagePoint/Market Technologies software?

What do you guys make of this: Market Technologies Intermarket Analysis Software
Anyone tried it before? Does it work at least 1% of what they are saying? Is it a scam? Anyone any experience?

Yes, I use it all the time. Actually, I wouldn't be without it now. The use of neural network predicted moving averages and high/lows, based on intermarket data, works very well in the short term I find, and gives you more confidence.

It is not a 'scam'. Scams are rare in market analysis software anyway, as you can easily verify the statistics the company provides yourself in most cases. Just a very useful tool, though expensive.
Yes, I use it all the time. Actually, I wouldn't be without it now. The use of neural network predicted moving averages and high/lows, based on intermarket data, works very well in the short term I find, and gives you more confidence.

It is not a 'scam'. Scams are rare in market analysis software anyway, as you can easily verify the statistics the company provides yourself in most cases. Just a very useful tool, though expensive.

A great many people have found VP to be of no use at all. Look on forexfactory, forexpeacearmy and elsewhere on this site and you'll see that most people are critical of it. Personally I tried it for a year and a half and found it to be worse than useless, others like Patong think its great. If you are expecting it to give you 80% winning trades out of the box you'll be sorely disappointed, although that is what the sales people will promise you.
A great many people have found VP to be of no use at all. Look on forexfactory, forexpeacearmy and elsewhere on this site and you'll see that most people are critical of it. Personally I tried it for a year and a half and found it to be worse than useless, others like Patong think its great. If you are expecting it to give you 80% winning trades out of the box you'll be sorely disappointed, although that is what the sales people will promise you.

I think it depends very much on how you use it (and it can be used in a great many ways). For Forex trading I combine it with daily pivots, and find that it helps a lot in giving a good feel for overall daily trend. I haven't yet tried using it for longer trades, so don't know how well it would perform. As far as I can tell (I have been using it for a few months now), its strengths lie in shorter term forecasting. All I can say is that it has certainly made a great difference to my trading.

I don't believe that VP claims 80% winning trades, just that their neural index classifies short term (2 day) simple moving averages with 80% accuracy. The neural index is not the quickest indicator, but is useful at keeping you out of incipient trends that could easily reverse.
Yep, It seems the world is polarized - people either ~hate~ VantagePoint, or, they ~love~ it!

My experience has been that the "blue line-black line crossovers" the advertisements show indeed cannot be used 'blindly' - but have to be judged in context with what the other indicators in VP are telling you at the same time... and then the picture becomes much clearer.... there are crossovers, & then there are CROSSOVERS... Its not perfect, not failproof -- but once you learn to read things, the full suite of VP indicators does help discern "the good ones"

You might want to check out a thread on where I've posted a Forex trading method using VP, along with forward test/live trades .... and it ~IS working for me, that's all I can say.

Trading GBP/USD using VantagePoint SW - TraderPlanet - Forums

In the webinar section on TraderPlanet there are also several videos posted from several different traders using VP.

[TraderPlanet is fairly new, kind of like FaceBook for traders, + Forums & Commentaries & some ebooks & other stuff]

They've also got a new 'contest' going on:

Cheers & Good Trading 😎
Yep, It seems the world is polarized - people either ~hate~ VantagePoint, or, they ~love~ it!

My experience has been that the "blue line-black line crossovers" the advertisements show indeed cannot be used 'blindly' - but have to be judged in context with what the other indicators in VP are telling you at the same time... and then the picture becomes much clearer.... there are crossovers, & then there are CROSSOVERS... Its not perfect, not failproof -- but once you learn to read things, the full suite of VP indicators does help discern "the good ones"

You might want to check out a thread on where I've posted a Forex trading method using VP, along with forward test/live trades .... and it ~IS working for me, that's all I can say.

Trading GBP/USD using VantagePoint SW - TraderPlanet - Forums

In the webinar section on TraderPlanet there are also several videos posted from several different traders using VP.

[TraderPlanet is fairly new, kind of like FaceBook for traders, + Forums & Commentaries & some ebooks & other stuff]

They've also got a new 'contest' going on:

Cheers & Good Trading 😎

Thanks for drawing our attention to your threads on TraderPlanet, Tango46. I haven't looked at your GBPUSD example in detail yet, but your approach looks really useful. It's nice of you to share it.

I had something similar in mind, and am beginning to test out trading strategies using VP indicators with Ward systems' Neuroshell trader and ChaosHunter. Some quite interesting results so far but nothing worth posting. I need to refine my parameters, but watch this space.

In my view, what you say about the need to consider VP indicators in combination and how they interact is crucial.
Thanks for drawing our attention to your threads on TraderPlanet, Tango46. I haven't looked at your GBPUSD example in detail yet, but your approach looks really useful. It's nice of you to share it.

I had something similar in mind, and am beginning to test out trading strategies using VP indicators with Ward systems' Neuroshell trader and ChaosHunter. Some quite interesting results so far but nothing worth posting. I need to refine my parameters, but watch this space.

In my view, what you say about the need to consider VP indicators in combination and how they interact is crucial.

TME: Thanks, Cool. I had a demo of Neuroshell installed also, but never did much with it. How are you using it?
TME: Thanks, Cool. I had a demo of Neuroshell installed also, but never did much with it. How are you using it?

Neuroshell is not that easy to use I find. The help menu and videos leave a lot to be desired. Their new Chaoshunter is simpler and can be integrated easily with either neuroshell, Excel or other programs. It produces formulas based on multiple regression models optimized either with genetic algorithms or 'particle swarm' (don't know too much about that option).

So far, on very simple models, it has given predictions with abou6 60-65% accuracy. This can probably be improved, but apparently Chaoshunter often produces predictions which are not that impressive, but tend to be robust. So it may be more reliable in the long run. I tested it out on GBPUSD using something rather similar to your rules (though not identical).

The 60% accuracy fits in with what I've seen with VP so far. May not sound that great, but still perfectly acceptable (to me at any rate) with something like a 2:1 risk/reward ratio, or using your multiple profit targets approach.
Vp Sale

Neuroshell is not that easy to use I find. The help menu and videos leave a lot to be desired. Their new Chaoshunter is simpler and can be integrated easily with either neuroshell, Excel or other programs. It produces formulas based on multiple regression models optimized either with genetic algorithms or 'particle swarm' (don't know too much about that option).

So far, on very simple models, it has given predictions with abou6 60-65% accuracy. This can probably be improved, but apparently Chaoshunter often produces predictions which are not that impressive, but tend to be robust. So it may be more reliable in the long run. I tested it out on GBPUSD using something rather similar to your rules (though not identical).

The 60% accuracy fits in with what I've seen with VP so far. May not sound that great, but still perfectly acceptable (to me at any rate) with something like a 2:1 risk/reward ratio, or using your multiple profit targets approach.

Its great you guys are making this work for you. I too have used VP in the past, however these days I don't use it that much.

Have my own system, yesterday 437 pips risk 50 pips 1 loss 25 pips

Today over 400 pips no loss yet.

Will join you guys when not trading.

Good work

Its great you guys are making this work for you. I too have used VP in the past, however these days I don't use it that much.

Have my own system, yesterday 437 pips risk 50 pips 1 loss 25 pips

Today over 400 pips no loss yet.

Will join you guys when not trading.

Good work


Congratulations on your system. Sounds interesting - if you'd care to enlarge, I'd love to hear more about it.
Congratulations on your system. Sounds interesting - if you'd care to enlarge, I'd love to hear more about it.

You will here alot about it in the future.

VP is an expensive hobby these days. I don,t believe in predicting the market, i like the market to show me direction. Thats the big difference.

All the predictions etc have been rewritten. I am not sure but the first vp was good then they released the second version, around the time you bought. From reading others comments I think they had a problem with that version. Don't quote the though. What version did you have?

The lastest version is performing well for me. Mainly on FX. I have it good on Gold too

Hi Patong,
I know you've been using the software for quite sometime now. Is it right to assume that you've been a huge advocate of Vantagepoint earlier, but not so much recently (given your recent posts)
What may have caused this?
Hi Patong,
I know you've been using the software for quite sometime now. Is it right to assume that you've been a huge advocate of Vantagepoint earlier, but not so much recently (given your recent posts)
What may have caused this?

VP is a complex software and ts full use is still being explored by myself. I do find about 60ish % of its predictions correct. If i apply further techicals such as pivots, longer term S/R and candles i find the percentage increases. I ask myself do I really need VP and answer I don't need it but find VP another tool. For an example most of my bigger trades come from a daily chart, entry is either s/r, round number, candle patterns (engulfing, shooting star, hammer) on the daily alone just looking for that combo. Also very important too is i can keep my stop small 50 pips max, where with VP the stops are far bigger, 100 to 200 pips. I get about 5 trades per month and average 4 wins , 1 loss. average pips per month 2300. I also use muitlpe entries , this allows me to scale out and and get myself in a no loose situation sooner.

I think VP is ok you just need to know how to use it, and it is expensive to buy also.

Another thing is I have to VP licenses, so am able to sell one. Full package, all catories. If someone is interested negotiate. I only need one VP, reason i had 2 was to compare VPs algoritham against older versions, (7.1) I found no difference in its preditions, but the later version has more tools.

I agree - you need to know how to use VP and it is expensive. It is certainly worth sticking with in my opinion, and offers more than appears at first sight.

Its coverage of futures is one of the best,and you could even use it for more advanced things such as futures spread trading, which is certainly not true of most trading software. I also like its scanning facility which makes it easy to pick out markets doing the right thing at the right time. You can also download prices and indicators to Excel, and do your own backtesting if that's your thing,

It seems to be rather ineptly marketed, and I don't like these claims about the neural index (80% 'accuracy' and all that). The neural index in any case is too sensitive and choppy to be of much use by itself, even for short term trading. However, the combinations of different indicators can be very powerful, but need time to explore.

Having experimented with a lot of different software over the years, VP is now the main one I use.

VP is a complex software and ts full use is still being explored by myself. I do find about 60ish % of its predictions correct. If i apply further techicals such as pivots, longer term S/R and candles i find the percentage increases. I ask myself do I really need VP and answer I don't need it but find VP another tool. For an example most of my bigger trades come from a daily chart, entry is either s/r, round number, candle patterns (engulfing, shooting star, hammer) on the daily alone just looking for that combo. Also very important too is i can keep my stop small 50 pips max, where with VP the stops are far bigger, 100 to 200 pips. I get about 5 trades per month and average 4 wins , 1 loss. average pips per month 2300. I also use muitlpe entries , this allows me to scale out and and get myself in a no loose situation sooner.

I think VP is ok you just need to know how to use it, and it is expensive to buy also.

Another thing is I have to VP licenses, so am able to sell one. Full package, all catories. If someone is interested negotiate. I only need one VP, reason i had 2 was to compare VPs algoritham against older versions, (7.1) I found no difference in its preditions, but the later version has more tools.

The Market Technologies Vantage Point software is expensive. I know. I bought it. After using it religiously for 3 months, I can see some use use for it when you're riding a trend. It could keep you in a long or short position longer than you might otherwise be, thereby realizing greater gains. However, I find that the software is completely befuddled by volatile markets, "advising" going in and out of a position (I trade ETFs) on virtually a daily basis. Of course when that happens, you are constantly behind the day's activity and subject to constant whipsaws.

Their friendly customer service person told me that that never happens and that I'm probably using it wrong. At first, she was right, except that when I began using it correctly, the same thing kept happening. Constant whipsaws from being behind the curve every day.

I think in stable markets Vantage point would be useful. But volatility is the new normal and that makes the software less than useless.
I bought this a year or two ago. I did my own analysis on the next days highs/lows and compared them with their claims. It was no better than correct in terms of direction for 50% of the time..not 86% as they claim. Who do i report them to in the USA to try and get my money back?

What do you guys make of this: Market Technologies Intermarket Analysis Software
Anyone tried it before? Does it work at least 1% of what they are saying? Is it a scam? Anyone any experience?

I was discussing the artificial neural network technology used in this algorithm with a previous programmer. There is another company (iknowfirst) which is similar, but perhaps more easy to use. Pretty pricey though if you are not a serious investor.

Hope it helps :clap::clap::clap::clap: