UVO Coin / UvoPlay.com Scam?


I invested several thousand quid into this this deal, It seems the lead engineer quit and went his own way now some months ago and I have not heard anything. Anyone else out there invest in this deal ? I found out from a few other investors Martin Evans served jail time for fraud and drug dealing. Just trying to figure things out because I am ready to go to the police and wanna be sure, so if there is anyone else out there who invested in the Uvo Coin or Uvo Play deal please respond with any information.


Hope to hear from someone!
I had a feeling I was had for my Money, I see this Gustavo Americo Folcarelli is wanted in Panama as well , must be the same guy because its fraud and it says he's from Canada, I have never met Gustavo , From some digging online he has been selling these hemp seeds , as well as was a Warrant in Panama for stock fraud ? Who would knew ?

I am hoping other investors come forward, I purchased these coins through a guy named Steven Ford, Martin Evans , and Tony Spear, earlier in the year in Cardiff. I am getting all sorts of stories from them about launching and the price going up to 4 dollars and no ones has heard of it and its on no trading boards. This seemed like a really great idea but then something happened last summer and updates have been scarce. I know the main engineer left them over some disagreements his name was Fobz, that's all I know.

These are the links on Martin Evans, I personally met this man while him and his group sold me and others the coins.

I hope others respond with information, There were 1000's of people in that telegram group so we should get some stickkage here and expose these assholes, Would be really nice to hear from that engineer that left last summer.
Hey did you ever have any joy with this ? I also invested money for myself and my son. Kissed goodbye to it but would be nice to know if you went to the police ? Ripped off big time !!