USA Forum


That's right, I did post that. You never answered properly. 😛

I would say you have lost an argument big time, when you avoid any real responses to it. Instead, you go off on your tangents, spouting amusing b.s. 😆

Two points.

The biggest capitalists in the world by far are bankers.
The Muslim religion forbids charging interest on money.
The Jewish religions forbid charging interest to other Jewish people.
And the Christian religion didn't allow it until Calvin came along and said we've been reading the bible wrong for 1500 years and it's ok really.
So if that view is yours its naive at best and just plain stupid at worst.

That does not look like two points to me. :smart:

Where did you get your information for the previous post?

So how exactly did you come to the conclusion that "the vast majority of Americans don't think she's right"? It cannot possibly be that you think it is due to her anti-religious views.

Who specifically has rejected objectivism? I would like you show sources asserting that claim without using Wikipedia.

So unless you think you can treat her views like a pick 'n' mix sweet counter and just choose the ones you like and ignore the ones you don't then she's not someone to base your ideals on.

This statement is contrary to

People do not stick to one ideology, they DO pick and chose which bits of religion, philosophy and politics they want to follow and ignore the rest, its called being human. So I put it to you that NO ONE is a true capitalist.

How does this statement about religion relate to capitalism. You still have not drawn a proper relationship between them. How did you go from picking and choosing bits of religion to true capitalism? 🙄 😆
Secondly, "being human" is not a logical argument regardless of human beings' illogical behaviors.[/QUOTE]
I take no pleasure in seeing countries waste their money on more weapons. $610b is just so GROSS, It just goes to show that countries do not trust each other. Hasn't the world got enough weapons to destroy the planet ? Even Joe Arab has his own Kalashnikov. About time the world's leaders got real.

The money would be much better spent cleaning up pollution etc. The plastic garbage has now got everywhere through the worlds oceans and is giving cancer to the fish. Even plankton is full of it. Dead oceans mean a dead planet within a decade or two.

Ok Mr. Überhippie. That is why the UK has two left parties (far left and center left) 😆
Ok Mr. Überhippie. That is why the UK has two left parties (far left and center left) 😆

I think it almost criminal the way many far righties treat this planet. Its the only one we all have and anyone but a complete dummy would cherish it. The far right looneys waste the country's money on weapons that will have to be continually upgraded. The US has fought and lost umpteen engagements since the Korean War. Hopeless at foreign policy, pathetic at war and generally despised by the rest.

They have an obsession with making money and then wasting it. A deranged 10 year old on drugs could have done better. Money is only figures on bank accounts etc. Get real with the real world. How many people have the US killed since Korea ? Must be well up into the millions. Hardly an accomplishment. Ad Chumpy can't admit anything that the US has failed at when it is staring him in the face. The ISL awfulness is a direct result of their policies in Iraq etc.
I think it almost criminal the way many far righties treat this planet. Its the only one we all have and anyone but a complete dummy would cherish it. The far right looneys waste the country's money on weapons that will have to be continually upgraded. The US has fought and lost umpteen engagements since the Korean War. Hopeless at foreign policy, pathetic at war and generally despised by the rest.

They have an obsession with making money and then wasting it. A deranged 10 year old on drugs could have done better. Money is only figures on bank accounts etc. Get real with the real world. How many people have the US killed since Korea ? Must be well up into the millions. Hardly an accomplishment. Ad Chumpy can't admit anything that the US has failed at when it is staring him in the face. The ISL awfulness is a direct result of their policies in Iraq etc.


Notice how the UK and US has similar debt ratios.
US 311 million people and a GDP of 17.419 trillion
UK 65 million people and a GDP of 2.988 trillion

Putting that into perspective, gives us the US with 4.78 times more people, making 5.82 times more money. Those statistics sound like we are much more industrious by about 21%. After all, let's face it, we are communicating using American technology from the computers, mobile phones, social media and internet.

Loot at the second picture. California makes almost as much as the UK and has about five times less total debt. It has fewer people to boot as well.


Notice how the UK and US has similar debt ratios.
US 311 million people and a GDP of 17.419 trillion
UK 65 million people and a GDP of 2.988 trillion

Putting that into perspective, gives us the US with 4.78 times more people, making 5.82 times more money. Those statistics sound like we are much more industrious by about 21%. After all, let's face it, we are communicating using American technology from the computers, mobile phones, social media and internet.

Loot at the second picture. California makes almost as much as the UK and has about five times less total debt. It has fewer people to boot as well.


He doesn't address most of the points raised and then is the first to point this out about others.

Humble he aint.

BTW the internet was invented by a Brit ! Tim Berners-Lee if I remember correctly.

No word on the millions the US has killed to support democracy. If they don't like the democratic result as in Egypt they organise a coup by the Egyptian army.
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He doesn't address most of the points raised and then is the first to point this out about others.

Humble he aint.

Yes quite so.

It appears there are rules, but they only apply to other people. Just like my wife.
Yes quite so.

It appears there are rules, but they only apply to other people. Just like my wife.

Then I guess it seems pointless to bring it up. Why would I address your issues if you can't do the same?
Yes quite so.

It appears there are rules, but they only apply to other people. Just like my wife.

Most of his arguments are the way women argue but do not debate. Carefully avoiding anything contentious or blatantly wrong for him.

Grow some balls and admit it when the US is in the wrong.
It takes a big hearted man to admit he is wrong.
He tried to stick up for the US but it's a lost cause usually. so like many a bully relies on overt threats of having the most modern Army. Fat lot of good that was in Vietnam.
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Most of his arguments are the way women argue but do not debate. Carefully avoiding anything contentious or blatantly wrong for him.

Grow some balls and admit it when the US is in the wrong.
It takes a big hearted man to admit he is wrong.

The irony is in your statement right there. You were doing exactly what you say you do not like. You say I haven't been addressing the issues and neither have you. You have not proven anything. Your statements make for great sound bites but not for good evidence.

You were showing great ignorance with your misogynist comments.
They say if you don't like another's behavior you should look at yourself. I just decided to stop answering your views without having my views answered so now I'm behaving just like you. Do you like what you see?

You are showing great ignorance with your misogynist comments.
Then I guess it seems pointless to bring it up. Why would I address your issues if you can't do the same?

Ah ha trying to weazle out of answering awkward questions.

So how many people, yes people, has the US killed since the Korean War ? Answer that............

I estimate about 4 million and rising daily with bombing in the Middle East. And no they didn't all get run over or died accidentally.
Most of his arguments are the way women argue but do not debate. Carefully avoiding anything contentious or blatantly wrong for him.


You guys have been keeping this thread alive for 33 pages. 😆

I just popped in for some fun. Did you get tired of spamming the 5000+ pages of anyone scalping the FTSE futures or S&P 500 competition threads?
Then I guess it seems pointless to bring it up. Why would I address your issues if you can't do the same?

Once again I quote from your own signature link.

From Logical Fallacies
(Handout developed by Kimberly Moekle)

Changing the Subject

Attacking the Person:
the person does not practice what is preached.

You have completely lost the ability to conduct yourself in an argument.
Your just trolling.
Once again I quote from your own signature link.

From Logical Fallacies
(Handout developed by Kimberly Moekle)

Changing the Subject

Attacking the Person:
the person does not practice what is preached.

You have completely lost the ability to conduct yourself in an argument.
Your just trolling.

I just decided to stop answering your views without having my views answered so now I'm behaving just like you. Do you like what you see?

You do not like it when somebody else does it, do you? :-0
To bring you up to date on current US policy in the Middle East perhaps you know what Kerry is up to ?
Having cemented friendships with Sunni Saudi Arabia he is now cosying up to Shia Iran ? There is no consistency or purpose other than to wreck Israel's enemies and they aren't exactly grateful.
To bring you up to date on current US policy in the Middle East perhaps you know what Kerry is up to ?
Having cemented friendships with Sunni Saudi Arabia he is now cosying up to Shia Iran ? There is no consistency or purpose other than to wreck Israel's enemies and they aren't exactly grateful.

Because the UK didn't send troops to the Middle East, did they? 😆 You are absolutely guilt free.
Because the UK didn't send troops to the Middle East, did they? 😆 You are absolutely guilt free.

I admit Blair sent troops to The Middle East for the US and got handsomely rewarded with a $1m per year cushy job ever since. We lost 450 servicemen thanks to Bush's lies about WMD. He should have told the US to take a hike and cool off.

You haven't answered my question about how many people has the US killed since the Korean War. Not surprisingly I suppose really. Excuse me for pointing out such an unpalatable fact.

The US military is nearly out of control of the politicians but with $600 billion to spend and only useless politicians in the way they aren't worried. They would love an incompetent President as an excuse to take over.
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I admit Blair sent troops to The Middle East for the US and got handsomely rewarded with a £1m per year cushy job ever since. We lost 450 servicemen thanks to Bush's lies about WMD. He should have told the US to take a hike and cool off.

You haven't answered my question about how many people has the US killed since the Korean War. Not surprisingly I suppose really. Excuse me for pointing out such an unpalatable fact.

The US military is nearly out of control of the politicians but with $600 billion to spend and only useless politicians in the way they aren't worried. They would love an incompetent President as an excuse to take over.


Talk about overpaying a talking head. :whistling

I do not know the answer nor do I care. As for the $600 billion, it is a drop in the pan. It is 3.4% of GDP.

How does this have anything to do with being the most powerful and richest country on the planet?

Talk about overpaying a talking head. :whistling

I do not know the answer nor do I care. As for the $600 billion, it is a drop in the pan. It is 3.4% of GDP.

How does this have anything to do with being the most powerful and richest country on the planet?

Don't make me post the US debt clock again.

The only thing US knows is how to live off other people's money.
Don't make me post the US debt clock again.

The only thing US knows is how to live off other people's money.

Go on and post it it'll be a waste of time as apparently you are not very good at mathematics. If I make $1 million and I have $1 million of rolling debt and you make $10,000 and you have $10,000 of rolling debt then were in the same boat. You don't seem to understand the concept of percentages and ratios. Wasn't that covered in your grammar school?

Dont make me repost my pictures on debt ratios!