US Indices Intra-day Trading for August 2003

does anyone beleive the dow is forming a head or will it reach 9334 or even above 9364 today?

The one that I remember very well ran the investments at Philipps & Drew [ I think its now part of UBS and I think his name is Tony Dyer] , he's no longer with them and your question about his time frame I do'nt the time frame relevant?
I'm only having a laugh. But in 20 years time those levels might be overvalued. Who knows? The "experts" certainly haven't got a clue. They only have to buy and beat each other. They can't trade.
Here's one: Who advises the advisors? 😆

Try telling that to anyone with a pension or endowment.The US is still overvalued and this rally is based on liquidity,money sloshing around trying to find a return.Nowhere else to go.The bond market is key in all this.Explains why FED keep hinting of deflation or lack of inflation,to try and stop the rout in bonds.Unfortunately Greenspan couldn't reverse a car let alone a market.
So key, as Sunseeker advises, "make a firm commitment to trading". So hard too; why does one tiddle around the edges so often and repeatedly?

One vital thing: do your homework, before the commitment, thoroughly, so you can "trade your plan".

As FDR said, so tellingly, " You have nothing to fear except fear itself".
I am happy to say that the markets are doing as I had hoped. I am thinkking we are near a major major high but it will be from much higher prices. I am patient here as I have the market going much higher yet...and then it should be a mighty fine short...

funny enough,,,,I also got a sell off later tonight
Did you ever read Jim Puplava's "Perfect Financial Storm" on the same site?
He predicted 9/11
Tom - the path is doing quite well - as long as you trade the red line moves...

Can't ask for more than that really!
2468steve said:
Try telling that to anyone with a pension or endowment.The US is still overvalued and this rally is based on liquidity,money sloshing around trying to find a return.Nowhere else to go.The bond market is key in all this.Explains why FED keep hinting of deflation or lack of inflation,to try and stop the rout in bonds.Unfortunately Greenspan couldn't reverse a car let alone a market.

If your pension or endowment is invested in equities then surely you would be pleased to see the market going up ? If this rally is the result of excessive amounts of money looking for a home then perhaps we are due for some more on the upside because Greenspan has made it very clear that "easy" money will be with us for the forseeable future.

You seem pretty convinced that the US is overvalued.........are you shorting these markets?
Of course I want to see anybody's pension or endowment to achieve what it was designed to.
Unfortunately the guys that run them sold equities to buy bonds just at the wrong time,on top of piling into stock at the wrong time.
I'm neither short nor long,just trade what I see,but the US is a basket case.Even Greenspan warned of "irrational exeburance" when the Dow was around 6000.
Mr SUN....and the others thanks for the posts.....starting to understand that path, and helping me with my signals, more so today than all week.....big big thank it's really appreciated
The US is a basket case ??? The wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth is a basket case !!!! .................get real Steve
The Roman Empire used to be The wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth ........
well, I am glad you like it....

I was short some SP-lots from 991 and wanted to get out at 88..anyway I put on a limit order with my broker, and they got hit, or so I thought, but the screen froze, so i decided to buy them back manually,,,,THAT WAS A BAD IDEA!, I got myself long and the market tanked...uh, I was not a sunny chappy then....

a note on the path....i have had a real headache with the path after two blazing weeks. The problem in my mind is the volume is playing tricks with the market...

I think the path will work extremely well with an indicator like MACD or Mr charts material....the whole aim is to take out 2-3 SP points a day or 15-30 Dow points.
JER08 said:
The Roman Empire used to be The wealthiest, most powerful nation on earth ........

Oh, so we're talking a few centuries ahead then ? Do'nt tell the Elliot Wavers, they might unearth a new Supercycle !
most powerful nation on earth...yes
wealthiest...$6.7trillion national debt and increasing,consumers borrowing more than saving..US households save 3% of disposable income and grow debt at 10%.....
"Basket case" refers to those willing to buy stock with an S&P500 PE of32.3.....
US biggest company GE was once the greatest manufacturer in the world,now just a glorified bank...