Updata V Sharescope?

"Biorythms, when I saw that stuff in there I thought they'd lost the plot... "

Me too DaveJB.
I couldn't quite see what this was doing in a serious TA program.
Still can't for that matter.
Ah, that's because your intellectual cycle is transit Jupiter in Pisces and your emotional cycle is mid-quadrant to Uranus.
you leave my quadrants out of this! (Bloomin' cheek...)
- The above is best delivered in a Frankie Howard style if possible.
As per other threads: when a demonstrable link exists between events like price turnpoints and lunar, solar or whatever solstices etc then I am prepared to accept that coincidence is being stretched and there is probably an actual link present. I just don't go for the exaplanation - if you drop a hammer on your toe every 76 days it may well be that ties in with the third phase of Venus, or Gannymede hiding behind Jupiter.... I just don't accept that it's the planets causing it, they're merely a pretty accurate timing mechanism that happens to be 'chiming' at the same time.
Aren't humans wonderful? We can't figure out 'why' so we invent spurious explanations - we just can't accept 'I dunno'!
All the planets tell us, in my deeply help conviction, is that we don't have a Scoobie's what's happening.
I think my underlying worry with this feature is that it promotes the fallacy of fitting the data to the pattern and not the pattern to the data.
It may be a light hearted addition but its leading possible newbies to think that the patterns exist independently of the underlying number base and not that they are an analogue artifact for examining the number base.
Fair point,
it is possible to note a repeating pattern, then move heaven and earth to explain why Tuesday ought to be moved to Friday - the pattern's always right, so it must be the Universe that got it wrong.
That's probably why I see delta as a useful aid, telling me when to get jumpy if in a trade, rather than as a complete trading system ... I might, I must admit, be under rating Delta there though, whilst I'm pretty convinced Biorythms are a load of horse.
NB - Substitute any vowel you like in place of the last 'ho'.
It is also mixing chalk with cheese.
Yes, the regularity of the tides, phases of the moon, changing seasons and indeed the music of the spheres can be predicted with the regularity of clockwork.
Whereas the movements of the markets and individual securities has a large dose of chaos mixed in.
Anything which gives the impression that the markets are entirely predictable is misleading.
So Biorythms in a TA package are not only bizarrre but represent some muddled thinking IMO 😕
Biorythms is a tiny, tiny, tiny part of the TA program and, insofar as the idea has value (on which I offer no judgement), it is I understand, about the ability of a person to trade on particular days. It is not about the movements of the markets. I think we all agree that there are days on which we should not be trading (irrespective of market conditions) and I understand that this small part of the program may offer some guidance on this based on the theory of biorythms and the users date of birth.

I offer this link for those who wish to follow it up - there are many others

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"NB - Substitute any vowel you like in place of the last 'ho'."

That remark will only be fully understood by those with knowledge of dialect in certain parts of Scotland 🙂
that's actually the same thing though - you aren't predicting the markets moving iaw biorythms, you are predicting that the trader will behave/perform a certain way in step with them... I'd argue that is every bit as bad an idea. Whilst there are days you'd be better off not trading, I'd suggest you'll either learn to 'predict' them (I always do badly on days when the dog bites me) or you'll learn to spot part way into the day that you're not trading well today and ought to quit... lots of environmental factors affect me, you might as well check what Russell Grant thinks.
I would certainly take the point that this is only one small part of it, and I have consistently said I like the program (which I wouldn't do if I thought it was all silly, or even significantly silly).... I'm still a bit surprised they put it in - if only because it's going to put a few of us skeptics off.
DaveJB I have only been a member of this forum a few weeks but I see you are so busy promoting your own program which, incidentally I downloaded and tried, that you can't see anything good about any other system. As Rognvald said biorhythms are a very small part of the Updata program. Its for traders. Try reading about them before you dismiss them which I have done this week. As you have now guessed, they are not market predictors but tell humans when their critical days are. I am still learning about them, but if there are days when I would be more inclined to make a mistake, I would rather not trade. Ask your pilot friend if his airline tracks his biorhythms. He will say yes! Perhaps you could scan PF charts of them. 😉
GruntnoWay said:
DaveJB I have only been a member of this forum a few weeks but I see you are so busy promoting your own program which, incidentally I downloaded and tried, that you can't see anything good about any other system. As Rognvald said biorhythms are a very small part of the Updata program. Its for traders. Try reading about them before you dismiss them which I have done this week. As you have now guessed, they are not market predictors but tell humans when their critical days are. I am still learning about them, but if there are days when I would be more inclined to make a mistake, I would rather not trade. Ask your pilot friend if his airline tracks his biorhythms. He will say yes! Perhaps you could scan PF charts of them. 😉

And during the short time that you've been a member of this board you take every opportunity to promote Updata or to defend the company and its TA program

Whether you're an employee of Updata or not your bias is extremely tedious ....................do everybody a favour and give it a rest.
I don't think airlines track biorhythms.
Biorhythms are an excuse for 24 hour trading nerds to take a day off :cheesy:
I think to be fair that it was I who raised the whole Biorythm thingy and just to be clear, I am an Updata TA user.
However, I am a user, not a convert and whilst their program has many powerful features, it is by no means perfect....Biorythms being just one anomaly.
I've not seen DaveJB's program yet although I intend to have a look when I get some time.
I believe, in answer to another poster, that he acknowledged that his program is mainly P&F with some other features and not a direct competitor for Updata.
So if anyone was knocking, it was me and not he.
Regards 😉
oatman said:
I don't think airlines track biorhythms.
Biorhythms are an excuse for 24 hour trading nerds to take a day off :cheesy:

LOL - youv'e got us traders sussed then. For goodness sake don't tell the wife. :cheesy:
qaza said:

And during the short time that you've been a member of this board you take every opportunity to promote Updata or to defend the company and its TA program

Oooh sorry, is that not allowed? I am merely defending my purchase. As I said, I know its fashionable to knock them, but then I have never been a leader in fashion.
Breaking news from Updata which might be of interest:

We are pleased to announce a new release of Updata Technical Analyst, which makes it compatible with Indexia and Metastock databases, opening up a whole new way to run your system.

You may configure Technical Analyst to read an Indexia database or a Metastock database or both, at the same time as it reads its own database. You may switch any of these on and off, as and when required, allowing you to draw charts from any database at any time.

Obviously, no changes are made to these 3rd Party databases, which you can maintain in exactly the same way as you do now.

More 3rd Party databases are being added and will be released in due course.

In addition, this new version allows you to create watchlists by copying and pasting codes, rather than entering them one at a time. See 'Whats New' for details

Hope this helps 😀
Yes I saw that. I stopped updating my metastock database 2 months ago. I may resurrect the data.
I don't use these additional databases so am in no real position to comment but this facility does seem to address one of the complaints about the program that I have read.

As for the way previous users were treated, that's another issue which Updata need to address.