Unknown Startup Program


Well-known member
As a result of the Romansoft Credit Card Scam discussed in the last few days I thought I'd better do another look at my security.
Winpatrol has discovered the following startup program that I'm not familiar with:
Does anyone know what this might be?
Thanks in advance,
Suggest you kill it.

Srmclean helps in the installation and execution of the SoundMax SoftPaq for Compaq/ADI SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio. According to Compaq - "If you disable the entry from loading into startup, then you will not be able to use the features of the sound card"
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From http://www.windowsstartup.com
<<<Srmclean helps in the installation and execution of the SoundMax SoftPaq for Compaq/ADI SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio. According to Compaq - "If you disable the entry from loading into startup, then you will not be able to use the features of the sound card">>>
Please can you tell me where the romansoft credit card scam was discussed because i cannot find the thread .
I amcurrently in dispute with my bank re debits on my account from romansoft.
Not so. On Pitstop recently, I posted a reply to someone and when I looked there were 3 more, all at the same time :eek: Now that's spooky

edit..........I should have saved it for the next time someone asks about timing :cheesy: