I'm starting to have kittens about how to even get the data off - with nothing able to run, not sure how I'm even going to be able to write the data off to CD 😱
If it was XP - no problem - built in CD writing support, but on Win2000??
Copying off onto floppy disks is going to be very very tedious.
Does anyone know whether USB drive support is enabled if runnig from recovery console? If it does work, then I could plug in one of those USB drives and get the data off that way.
And yes, my backup strategy is going to be re-evaluated once I get out of this mess! 😱
If it was XP - no problem - built in CD writing support, but on Win2000??
Copying off onto floppy disks is going to be very very tedious.
Does anyone know whether USB drive support is enabled if runnig from recovery console? If it does work, then I could plug in one of those USB drives and get the data off that way.
And yes, my backup strategy is going to be re-evaluated once I get out of this mess! 😱