Ultimate Trading Tool


Junior member
Ultimate Trading Tool - TA analysis tool

To all technical traders,

Help needed for an EOD TA Tool

I need your help ; I need to understand from a trader’s perspective, what should be included in an ultimate trading tool?

What would you like to see in the ultimate trading tool?

Do you have any preference in any particular analysis?

Thank you in advance for all your input.

Kind regards

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The ultimate tool would surely be one that buys and sells automatically and never loses 😀

Seriously though, I think you will have to expand on your request a bit, so that we know where you're coming from. Is this a TA analysis tool (charting etc), or an execution platform, or a back-testing facility, or what?

Hi Raj,

For me the ultimate trading tool would a level 2 touch screen with programmable Buy & Sell buttons (say 1000 shares) and be able to execute the trade with lightning speed.
More information as you guys requested;

Buy & Sell Signal using Indicators
Performance Calculator to back test
Portfolio Management
Charting capabilities

Do you have preference of any particular indicator combinations, which should be working together to obtain best result?


May I ask why you wish to know?

Are you developing some new software or similar? If so, do you have trading experience?
Sounds like a good guess Darren.
If so then you're going at it backwards - you need the good idea first, then decide what to do with it ... the program should be designed to do the job your brilliant approach to trading requires - your great trading scheme might be to flip a coin on alternate Tuesdays, in which case 'indicators, scanning etc etc' would be irrelevent.
Oh, and if I had a brilliant idea, I wouldn't pass it along for someone else to develop without having arranged a suitable remuneration for using it!
A system that tells you:-

which instrument to go with
when to go in
which direction to go
how far will it go
how long it will take