Investment Analysis Tools


Junior member
Dear All,

I am new to spreadbetting and very new to this forum.

I have just opened an account with ETrade and Finstrade and lately I was testing the ETrade system. From what I read on this forum, ETrades charting is not very good (althoug I thought it was really good).

What kind of charting, analysis tools are you using for your investment decisions? Which SB company has the best charting tools? Or should I use an external analysis tool?

Your comments would be very much appraciated.

Happy Trading


From the platforms that I have used (admitted not very many) past and present, I have found that they are all generally similar. They vary slightly in looks and colour etc but most offer the same tools. I quite like the CMC and IG Index charts personally, they are both pretty simple and basic but do the job.

In relation to which tools to use, that is very much a personal preference. I tend to stick with Volume, Moving Averages and MACD. But then again I also put a fair bit of emphasis on fundamentals too so I don’t tend to go mad on the technical side of things.