B0ll0X to that.
Freaking US doesn't respect her own or any other democracy either. Does biz with any corrupt, fascist / communist / other regime what ever it is in exchange for money. Over throws elected regimes and tilts elections in her own interests.
When election time comes in US the number of voting booths is not proportional either. In black areas there is disproportionately fewer voting stations and booths than rich sparsely populated areas. Thus poor people queue up for hours or just give up standing in queues and not bother voting. Richest freaking nation trumpeting democracy and the whole election process is rigged in favour of corporations, the rich elite exploiting the poor. The distribution of income is about wide and skewed as Niagra falls.
It's all about making money.
You need $100m just to enter the selection race. Corporations have far more power than individuals.
You really need to take your head out of this democracy nonsense in my sincere opinion.
You say, US often wrong but right this time. REALLY???
I'd say Western democracy is better represented by Europe. Not sodding America. Plllleaaasseeeeeeeeee catch a breath of fresh air. Even in Europe not quite a utopia but by far better than elsewhere.