Ukraine invasion

Russia strikes Kyiv bunkers annihilating Ukraine and NATO top security officials
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Russia: It was NASAMS anti-aircraft missile that hit Okhmatdyt children's hospital
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Ukrainian drone crashes down near kindergarten in Russia's Kursk
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Moscow pledges retaliation if Ukraine launches Storm Shadow missiles deep into Russia
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High-tech Western weapons ‘useless’ in Ukraine conflict – WSJ

Luxembourg signs security deal with Ukraine

Will Andorra also sign one? Or the Vatican?

A non-partisan research post - London

Biden calls Zelensky 'President Putin' in biggest gaffe yet with his political life hanging by a thread​

Biden called Kamalla Harris 'vice-president Trmp'​

Would YOU pass the cognitive test Joe Biden refuses to take? Try it as pressure mounts on President​

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Truth bombs and words of wisdom from Tulsi Gabbard - if only this woman was the U.S. President instead of Biden - the world would be a much, much safer place . . .


The reason why the establishment likes this guy is because the whole dogs of war administrative machinary likes this puppet who cannot think, lacks a functioning brain and reads off script.

They call this guy a leader. He'll be fed with a bib soon and he is still up there running for another term. Democracy indeed.

NATO wants to develop long-range missiles capable of hitting Moscow
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Ukrainian bloggers with millions of followers call Zelensky for peace
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Berlin wants Germans to live in fear of nuclear war forever
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The reason why the establishment likes this guy is because the whole dogs of war administrative machinary likes this puppet who cannot think, lacks a functioning brain and reads off script.

They call this guy a leader. He'll be fed with a bib soon and he is still up there running for another term. Democracy indeed.
A non-partisan research post - London
The 81-year-old commander-in-chief insists he plans to stay in the race despite a disastrous debate performance just over two weeks ago raised questions over his fitness to serve a second term.

However, after confusing former President Trump with Vice President Harris and mixing up presidents Zelensky and Putin all in one Thursday, he made a troubling error again tonight, all while he was trying to reassure supporters of his health.

'I promise you, I am – I'm OK,' he said, before thanking a member of Congress he called 'Debbie Haley.'

He was referring to five-term Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell but possibly confused her with former presidential candidate and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley.

He even made a joke about Dingell resembling his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, according to the New York Post.

'I forget which event we were at, and someone said, you're his wife, aren't you?' Biden said, saying she 'looks like Jill.'


Biden, who didn’t correct the gaffe, admitted much later in the event that “sometimes I confuse names".

Source: news

Media publishes Germany’s alleged war plan

Strikes on Kiev’s industry, hunt for anti-air systems and new Donbass gains: The past week in the Ukrainian conflict (VIDEOS)

EU offered X secret censorship deal – Musk

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A non-partisan research post - London

A shocking act that will reshape the presidential race​

On Polymarket, a platform that allows users to make cryptocurrency bets, Trump's odds of winning increased to 70 percent.

While the price of bitcoin rose to nearly $60,000 per bitcoin on Saturday, according to Fortune.

Biden's odds are at just 16 percent of winning on Polymarket.

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump: Staggering blow-by-blow account of how the ex-president was INCHES away from being murdered in front of the world... before springing up and issuing a defiant rallying call to America​

How the Secret Service may have failed to stop the Trump shooter opening fire from just 130 yards away​

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Up to 100 Frenchmen may fight for Ukrainian army in Kharkov Region

Donald Trump wins US election following failed assassination attack
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What Trump said when he got up was 'odd'
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Zelensky ‘increasingly paranoid’ – Reuters

‘Eliminate Him’: A look at the violent rhetoric against Donald Trump

Melania Trump speaks up after attempt on her husband’s life

NATO chief explains why Poland won’t intercept Russian missiles

Conscript 18-year-olds, Obama-era envoy to NATO tells Kiev

A non-partisan research post - London
With a nuke-nuke here, and a nuke-nuke there
Here a nuke, there a nuke, everywhere a nuke-nuke!

Sounds like Old MacPuttin and cronies - and apologists - have small penis syndrome ....
Like the boy who falsely cried wolf too many times the Bear may find itself at the worst end of the nuke-nuke honey pot. This, the cub knows !

Diversionary conciderations:
Billions of year before the apes and man the univers was.
Billions of years after the apes and man are no more the universe will be.
Against the backdrop of infinite time* YOUR remaining body duration is, ..... death is just around the corner - soon - deal with it ! (preferably scientifcally - which does not exclude or preclude the possibilty of continued identity after the process of body death). ENJOY !

* the take away: you cannot waste time (such is an illusion) - time is infinite - body duration is finite - you can only waste your body's finite duration.


Putin can destroy British civilization with three missiles, Russian MP warns as he lists seven UK locations hypersonic weapons would target​

  • Yevgeny Popov raged against American plans to deploy missiles in Germany
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Zelensky party MP claims top general wants Ukraine to surrender
