A non-partisan research post - London
A revisit
What is you prediction about the war?
A non-partisan research post
I entertain no predication.
History is full of surprises.
History also bears testimony that old enemies can eventual be friends and work together.
The poetry goes like this.
I have never seen the show and no one has leaked me any spoilers.
The peculiarity about this show is that the dramas are real and actors and cast take a hit, even death.
The directors, producers and sponsors fight amongst themselves, are isolated from the dramas but have an invested interest in the show.
If enough audience members disapprove of the show the producers will cut loses and close the show.
The show is a runaway tour de force and like a hurricane sweeps all before its path.
Any dissenting critique results in eviction at some venues and immediate imprisonment at other venues.
From my very limited unimportant seating position direct access and appeal to the directors, producers and sponsors of the show is an unrealistic and impractical objective.
I can shout and scream all I want on the side of the tracks at the impending approach of a high speed bullet train. It will not stop.
From my very limited unimportant seating position I can, occasionally, throw on stage small band aid of alleviation for the wounded suffering cast.
My consideration is the show may go any which way - Russian, Ukraine, NATO, Tactical, Strategic, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, better the new devil - tomorrow will reveal all.
The show is not over until the lady with the big voice sings.
When the lady with the big voice sings it may - or may not* - be time to buy a basket of unleveraged plain vanilla stocks like crazy for target 100% ROI.
See 5 yr charts - TradingView (free) - go figure - * examples: (see below)
* amongst many considerations - if the show goes strategic may not be much enthusiasm for anything.
The New York Times: There's a saying among those who work around Cher. If there's a nuclear war, only two species will survive: the cockroaches and Cher.
I find both camps of interest.
From West side of the fence I find #3,356 interesting:
Considerations of Sevastopol’s strategic importance to Russia and influence on the Ukraine war.
Your views are well documented.
* examples:
So the many Putin 'N' word threats did not happen - * amongst many considerations - if the show goes strategic may not be much enthusiasm for anything.
And while the political pundits called this that or the other, I am not aware of any commenting on or calling the market
Of interest - with reference to above stated considerations 5 yr : 2022-2023 & 2023-2024
Andrew Lawrence
114K subscribers
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2 days ago
It is all so sickening. Not a thought for the Russian and Ukrainian kids whose lives have ended ... for nothing. They are forgotten. They are tools. Zelensky gets all the praise. Meanwhile he's busy buying his 4th luxury house... HE WILL NEVER die for Ukraine - he's no fool.
Comment Phylo: Sound traumatised.
Ineffectual traumatised tears and delude ineffectual sanctimonious evangelisings saving us from nuclear horror are of zero help to the kids.
War wounded, starving or traumatised children are not in need of ineffectual bleeding hearts and deluded ineffectual evangelising saints.
Self appointed vocal cotributions are no contributions: merley a medley of forgottens lost down the wind.
Their need is immediate emergency care which is dependent on - as far as the combat zone uninvolved are concerned is - 'hard currency'.
It looks like this
One: Select charity, go to the donation page and insert an amount from $1 to £7 trillion
Two: Choose payment method
Three: Process through payment method and arrive at the happy page.
Four: Charity donation receipt will be sent to email and bank statement will reflect payment.
Not exactly Russian children effected by the currrnet war, but well established charity.
Should have looked closer. Next time.
On second look - no Russian charity found for war effected children.
Same procedure as above
At my wife's suggestion, we have conducted curiosity experiments as outlined below across a number of trading forums, offering both Ukrainian and Russian contingents the opportunity for chump change* constructive engagement regarding their supported allegiances
* Champ change: a small amount.
Suffice to say - Zero chump change takers.
Somewhat strange for trading forums where trading geniuses are one a dozen and the objective is ... ?
or - of alternative choice
As above
2022 curiosity experiment - Zero chump change takers.
2023 curiosity experiment - Zero chump change takers
Etc.,etc., etc.