Maybe but now that supersanctions are in place they won't be lifted untily the problem is fully solved.
Russia as today, with its size and its nukes needs a strong leadership to be stable, but a strong leadership can easily derail into a dictatorship.
This war is an opportunity do democratize Russia and denuclearize Russia and maybe the world.
Oh dear Cavaliere, we really are on two different mindsets here.
The international finance system is holding payments from Russia hostage with their sanctions. This is really foolish imo. It will lead to two systems and split East and West into camps. Russia is fully able to pay her commitments.
My guess is that new financial processes will appear. This will only lead to a reduction of global trade and new divisions coupled with agreements. There will be moves to replace the dollar that's for sure. In summary, the financial restrictions in place will undermine the dollar.
The issue is that the security of US and the West is more important than any other nation in the world. I find it most unreasonable that you do not see this with the ever expansion of NATO towards the East.
Some people say it is the Russian economy that is failing and not about NATO. Then why not simply let Putin's economy continue failing. If communism doesn't work why change it to free-market model, creating competition for our producers. The whole sh!t show is quite remarkable as to why the US does what it does? To promote the war machine! Do you not wonder why?
Imo the reason why Russia is perceived as an enemy is because it holds US foreign policy in check in the middle east. To me, Russia is a counterbalance. The US doesn't have a carte blanch cheque to do what it wishes to abuse other nations.
US was the one who first initiated Iran towards her nuclear program under the Shah of Iran. The plan was to have Iran point those weapons towards Russia. Now it seems to have changed its mind. WHY? Why did US do that? Because of Cuba maybe? Why don't Iranian people like the US? How or why did the US shoot down an Iranian civil airliner? A lot of luggage full of brown manure in there don't you think?
Perhaps more importantly, these acts will bring the East; essentially Russia, China, India and Iran closer together. Moreover, any other country with challenging issues with US will then join that group. Thus we will have the polarization of two groups.
Russia is not a threat imo.
I feel sad that people simply do not see this.