Ukraine invasion

Obviously you want your taxes - if you pay any - used in this way.
And paying high energy prices.

I'm sure the majority of people in GB do not share your opinion.

Well actually they do share my opinion and so does the rest of Europe, especially the countries bordering Russia who know all too well what's in store if Russia is not stopped.

Slightly less so among the younger generation, but this is almost certainly because they don't know what they don't know. They have no direct experience of conflict or had information passed down from their parents generation, unlike the older generations who were either directly involved or educators of the next gen.
50 years ago, war history played a big part in school education, but I suspect not so much these days.

And this is the problem. People don't know or study history and so are bound to repeat mistakes of yesteryear until the situation affects them directly, then they either wise up PDQ or become the next victim.

As to whether public opinion shift will influence Govt policy. I suspect not, as agreements and commitments are already in place and policy is set.
Full Ukrainian victory over Russia unlikely, warns top US general
"Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it is unlikely that Kyiv can militarily force Russia out of all of the territory it occupies, in a Pentagon press conference."
You quote the article, but leave out what Gen. Milley actually said which is right after that part in the article. I wonder why?😉

Here is the text that follows from your source:
"The probability of a Ukrainian military victory - defined as kicking the Russians out of all of Ukraine to include what they claim as Crimea - the probability of that happening anytime soon is not high, militarily," Gen. Milley said.

"Politically, there may be a political solution where, politically, the Russians withdraw. That's possible," he added, saying Russia "right now is on its back."
Do you see the difference?
Think there is more happening on this thread than the war.
Looks a bit like a goaless draw at the monent.
Think Arsenal 1980's
Do you see the difference?
I quoted the article verbatim. That's what it said, that's the message it wanted to convey to its readership. And that's the point I was making. As I said previously, if those are the comments the general made publicly at a press conference, just imagine what he said privately behind closed doors. That will be at least in line with what the Telegraph reported - if not a great deal more robust and to the point.

You have to learn to read between the lines and interpret what these people say as they very rarely tell it like it is. By way of example, as a trader you'll know as well as anyone here that when a company CEO describes market conditions as 'challenging' - that means the company's in quagmires of brown sticky stuff and, in a millionth of a nano second, algos at investment banks around the world have shorted the stock. Well, exactly the same principle applies to politics and coverage of the war. So, when the general said ". . . the probability of that happening anytime soon is not high, militarily . . ." 'Anytime soon' and 'not high' means never. It ain't going to happen, ever. Get it?

Now, is there anything else I can help you with?
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Shambolic you say but, in spite of this dire state of affairs, you'll have us all believe the Russian army can wipe the floor with the combined forces of NATO and the U.S. and conquer all of Europe. The two narratives completely negate one another, yet you happily pivot from one to the other as if there's no contradiction.
Hey Timbo Short or Long for FTSE next 12 monthes
Do you really need to ask, Oscar!
Needless to say, short. Full disclosure: I no longer trade market indices, but I am active in the precious metals market and I hope that the CVs are too - especially silver!
Shambolic you say but, in spite of this dire state of affairs, you'll have us all believe the Russian army can wipe the floor with the combined forces of NATO and the U.S. and conquer all of Europe. The two narratives completely negate one another, yet you happily pivot from one to the other as if there's no contradiction.

There's no contradiction at all. Warfare takes many forms. Look at the evidence.

Russia has already given up trying to conquer Ukraine by way of conventional warfare, they can't even hold their lines ! It's shambolic for sure. So Russia has now resorted to it's default position by targeting and terrorising Ukraine's civilians and energy infrastructure, coupled with weaponised energy supply to the rest of Europe. I have zero sympathy for any country who took the easy option and became reliant on Russian energy. So if any country thinks they are not at war with Russia.........they need to think again.
There's no contradiction at all. Warfare takes many forms. Look at the evidence.

Russia has already given up trying to conquer Ukraine by way of conventional warfare, they can't even hold their lines ! It's shambolic for sure. So Russia has now resorted to it's default position by targeting and terrorising Ukraine's civilians and energy infrastructure, coupled with weaponised energy supply to the rest of Europe. I have zero sympathy for any country who took the easy option and became reliant on Russian energy. So if any country thinks they are not at war with Russia.........they need to think again.
This is a non-sequitur that in no way addresses the basic contradiction that, on the one hand, Russia presents a threat to the whole of Europe while, on one hand, it's shambolic, hopeless and defeated etc. Self evidently, it's one or the other - it can't be both. Which is it? In reality of course - as you well know - both narratives are total nonsense.
Russia will be forced into change. The old playbook of terrorising and corrupting their neighbours is at an end. Either they get with the program or they will be isolated from the modern world, in which case they will splinter and fall apart.
By my reckoning, it will be the latter that comes into play, as they seem incapable of change or escaping their corrupt mentality.
I have zero sympathy for any country who took the easy option and became reliant on Russian energy. So if any country thinks they are not at war with Russia.........they need to think again.
You just proved what Einstein said:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

YOU need to think again, I'm sure.

Russia has always been a reliable energy supplier to the U.S.-backed Ukraine, also to Moldova.
You just proved what Einstein said:
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

YOU need to think again, I'm sure.

Truth telling really hurts doesn't it. 🤣 But that's not my problem when people can't deal with it.
Russia will be forced into change. The old playbook of terrorising and corrupting their neighbours is at an end. Either they get with the program or they will be isolated from the modern world, in which case they will splinter and fall apart.
By my reckoning, it will be the latter that comes into play, as they seem incapable of change or escaping their corrupt mentality.
Like what Histo' said, above!

I can't believe how wide of the mark you are c_v - just how skewed your thinking is and how divorced from reality it's become. The 'program' you speak of is the international rules based system created by the U.S. to retain their hegemony and to protect the $USD as the world's reserve currency, ably supported by the usual suspects: i.e. most western leaders of all political hues, WEF, UN, EU, WHO, IMF, Gates Foundation etc. etc. Keep the U.S. as the top dog and then, collectively, they can promote their globalist 'build back better' agenda which will usher in CBDCs, vaccine health passes and the Net Zero scam etc. All this was clearly laid out as recently as last week's G20 summit.

These are the very people you've been fighting against and lampooning for years - now you're their cheerleader. Too weird! You know full well this is a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia and Ukraine is just an expendable pawn that the U.S. doesn't care about at all. On the contrary, it wants Russia to destroy the country and kill its people so that it (the U.S.) can claim the moral high ground and those that don't understand what's going on are duped into supporting their rallying cry of 'Zelensky & Ukraine good - Putin & Russia bad'. You're being played c_v: sleepy Joe is laughing at you as I type this. What, I wonder, will it take for you to wake up to this reality?
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