Ukraine invasion

Where do you get this bold above from? pretty sure you're wrong, but perhaps you have some evidence
The five BRICS countries alone account for over 40% of the world's population. Add in Iran, Pakistan and a whole bunch of African countries and you're soon well over the 50% mark.

You think that's evidence Timsk?

Your map looks like it's based on political comments (not the people), and not really support either.

How many of the red countries in your map have sent military aid to Russia? Not condemning your friend isn't the same as support. There are a lot of Russians who don't support it.
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You think that's evidence Timsk?
Yep. And not just any ol' evidence Cal', but top drawer, grade A, irrefutable evidence! ;-)
Your map looks like it's based on political comments (not the people), and not really support either. How many of the red countries in your map have sent military aid to Russia? Not condemning your friend isn't the same as support.
It appears you've only recently joined the thread and haven't read through it. I won't hold that against you as it's long and those on the wrong side of the argument post a lot of off-topic content shooting the messenger and ignoring the message. The point being that this is old ground, covered in depth with Rufus Leakey earlier in the thread. Apologies, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to go through it all again. I suggest you read through the thread from p129 onwards.
There are a lot of Russians who don't support it.
Undoubtedly so, just as there are a lot of American, French, German and British people etc. who don't support the actions of their respective governments, me included!

Ukraine war: Cost-of-living crisis could erode public support for sanctions against Russia

"Public support for sanctions on Russia remains overwhelming, but could erode if the cost-of-living crisis worsens, an exclusive poll for Sky News has found."

Just imagine what the poll results would be if Sky News and other MSM reported the truth and told people what the conflict is really all about - as opposed to the completely false narrative they pump out!
Yep. And not just any ol' evidence Cal', but top drawer, grade A, irrefutable evidence! ;-)

It appears you've only recently joined the thread and haven't read through it. I won't hold that against you as it's long and those on the wrong side of the argument post a lot of off-topic content shooting the messenger and ignoring the message. The point being that this is old ground, covered in depth with Rufus Leakey earlier in the thread. Apologies, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to go through it all again. I suggest you read through the thread from p129 onwards.

Undoubtedly so, just as there are a lot of American, French, German and British people etc. who don't support the actions of their respective governments, me included!
I don't want you to go through it all again.

So just a thought. Although there are some people who like war and violence, the majority of humans prefer peace. The majority of us don't like invasions, deaths or war. So it's very clear to me that the majority are against Russia's invasion.

Now of course politicians and ambassadors can support or refuse to condemn, but it's irrelevant. If you support Russia bombing children when prior to the invasion Ukraine hadn't aggressed, then that's something about your personality.
I don't want you to go through it all again.
That makes two of us.
So just a thought. Although there are some people who like war and violence, the majority of humans prefer peace. The majority of us don't like invasions, deaths or war. So it's very clear to me that the majority are against Russia's invasion.
You fail to understand the difference between motive and execution. Most people sympathise with the former and most people disapprove of the latter.
Now of course politicians and ambassadors can support or refuse to condemn, but it's irrelevant. If you support Russia bombing children when prior to the invasion Ukraine hadn't aggressed, then that's something about your personality.
Of course I don't support the bombing of children by anyone, ever. What a ridiculously stupid thing to suggest. It shows that you completely fail to understand my position on the conflict. If you want to make sensible contributions to this thread, kindly take the trouble to inform yourself of the views of its main contributors.
Accidents happen ...

But there might be consequences

Update on Russian military operations in and around Ukraine for November 5, 2022
  • US assistance to Ukraine increasingly depends on "refurbishing" antiquated weapons kept in storage as current inventories of weapons run low.
  • Russian tanks continue to roll out of factories while those in storage are also being upgraded and deployed.
  • British state media admits Ukraine faces difficulties in taking Kherson city.
  • Russian forces continue preparing for protracted combat while Ukraine races against the clock in terms of energy, economics, and material support for combat operations.
Update on Russian military operations in and around Ukraine for November 5, 2022
  • US assistance to Ukraine increasingly depends on "refurbishing" antiquated weapons kept in storage as current inventories of weapons run low.
  • Russian tanks continue to roll out of factories while those in storage are also being upgraded and deployed.
I wonder why Brian doesn't use sources like these about Russia's weapons. Maybe he doesn't want to tell his flock what it doesn't want to hear?😉

Ukraine war: Russian weapons old, failing —Report​



I wonder why Brian doesn't use sources like these about Russia's weapons. Maybe he doesn't want to tell his flock what it doesn't want to hear?😉
Brian tells 'his flock' what's reported by pro-Ukrainian MSM and official western government documents. Far from being what 'we' want to hear, I think what you really mean to say is that it's what you don't want to hear. Big difference!

If you want to believe obvious and blatant propaganda about Russia's armed forces being depleted of up to date, fully functioning weapons - that's up to you. We've been fed this lie for months now, yet there's very little evidence to support it other than isolated, anecdotal reports of dubious origin such as the sort you've posted. (NB: Brian specifically addresses the issue of T62 tanks in this video.) All other evidence, as in the daily pro-Ukraine MSM reports of attack after attack by Russian forces - suggests the exact opposite. Self evidently, Russia's got all the weapons and ammo it needs.

Going forward, the proof of the pudding will be what happens in the coming months. Either the much heralded Ukrainian counter offensive, which has all but died out, will resurface and build on the meagre gains of the summer, or it will amount to a damp squib. Conversely, the impact of Russia's 300k strong reservist mobilisation will be brought to full force, or, it too will amount to a damp squib. My money's with Brian's analysis which, as I've already stated, is based upon western pro-Ukrainian official documentation. Namely, that Ukraine is largely a spent force and very much in decline. Russia, on the other hand, has any amount of reserves - both in terms of manpower and kit - and is very much in the ascendancy. Keep in mind the difference between us: I'm looking at the situation objectively without any bias - whereas you are not.

After next week's mid term elections, in which the Biden administration will, almost certainly, take a thrashing - expect to see the gradual withdrawal of U.S. support. In fact, that's already begun: that's the point Brian highlights here and in other recent videos. Ultimately, the U.S. and its allies will throw Zelensky and Ukraine under a bus. As you and those of you on the wrong side of the argument must surely realise by now - that's inevitable - 100% guaranteed. If you want to cling to the delusion of Ukraine driving the Russians out - be my guest, but I'll happily wager 1 oz of 999 fine silver that you don't really believe it.
What is terrorism? Ukraine's puppet regime:

Self evidently, Russia's got all the weapons and ammo it needs.
Maybe ... or maybe not😉

I'm looking at the situation objectively without any bias
🤣 Thanks! I can always use a good laugh.
So visually, that would be something like

It appears you have trouble in distinguishing between propaganda and the truth. Admittedly, it's not always easy and the task is made all the more difficult when one has a particular agenda - as you do. Anyway, as an aide-mémoire,
here's a summary of the contents of Ponsonby's classic Falsehood in War-Time entitled the Ten Commandments of Propaganda. See how many of them apply to what you read, listen and watch from western MSM. Spoiler alert: it's all of them!

Ten Commandments of Propaganda
  1. We do not want war.
  2. The opposite party alone is guilty of war.
  3. The enemy is the face of the devil.
  4. We defend a noble cause, not our own interest.
  5. The enemy systematically commits cruelties; our mishaps are involuntary.
  6. The enemy uses forbidden weapons.
  7. We suffer small losses, those of the enemy are enormous.
  8. Artists and intellectuals back our cause.
  9. Our cause is sacred.
  10. All who doubt our propaganda, are traitors.
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Very sobering analysis by Alexander Mercouris about the parallels between the current conflict in Ukraine and the U.S.'s disastrous intervention in Vietnam in the 60s.

Equally insightful btl comment from Mitchell Oates (with emphasis added by me):
"I grew up in the US during the 60's, going thru grade school during the Vietnam War - I entered 1st grade in 1965 just when that war was really getting wound up - and was in my sophomore year of high school (10th grade), before our involvement finally ended with the complete takeover by North Vietnam in 1975. It had gotten to the point I was actually becoming worried that when I graduated in 1977, our involvement might still be going on, and I would be drafted for service in that conflict. I remember at the time, when all was said and done, the entire country said "Never Again" - and it gives me the most awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, to see that here we are, once again, making the same mistakes."