Ukraine invasion

The evidence is overwhelming it wasn't a HIMARS missile that killed the Azov POWs in the Volnovakha prison camp.
The evidence is always overwhelming whichever side one is on!
Why would the Russians would want to make it look like Ukraine killed people who Russians hate but most Ukrainians consider heroes?
From the Forbes article you linked to:
"Russian sources claimed Ukraine attacked to prevent the POWs from ‘exposing’ their supposed crimes, or to discourage Ukrainian troops from surrendering." Then there's the propaganda coup to reinforce the 'Zelensky and Ukraine good - Putin and Russia bad' mantra. No one would ever suspect that Ukraine would kill their own soldiers - so it could only be the Russians who would commit such a heinous crime. Yeah, right!
So, you are right about the rat.😉
As always, I have an open mind about who's responsible and why. And if Russia is proven to be the culpable - then I'll happily condemn their actions and hope that those responsible are brought to justice. My post wasn't to claim that Ukraine is responsible, but merely to put forward an alternative narrative to the predictable one that c_v provided that Russia's the guilty party. None of us knows the truth. All we know is that western politicians and MSM have an agenda to paint Russia as bad guys at any and every opportunity, when there's plenty of 'overwhelming' evidence that shows Ukrainian forces are just as capable at playing dirty.
Here is overwhelming evidence that Ukraine is bad

More overwhelming evidence that Ukraine bombed the POW's

Ukraine is bad, the evidence is overwhelming...overwhelming I tell you...repeat after me....Ukraine is bad, the evidence is overwhelming
In the vid' below, Brian Berletic of The New Atlas interviews Mark Sleboda, an international relations and security expert based in Russia. He's a U.S. Navy veteran, married to a Ukrainian woman with family and friends in the country. His insights are, IMO, extremely revealing and, needless to say, he paints a very different picture to that put forward by western governments and media. There's a particularly interesting segment in which he and Brian discuss the bombing of the Ukrainian PoWs. Brian is quite circumspect about who was responsible and what their motives might be, whereas Mark is anything but. The latter explains why he believes Zelensky's forces killed their own soldiers and then goes on to explain why the U.S. not only wants the conflict to continue but also wants as many Ukrainian conscripts killed by the Russians as possible. If he's right, then I hope we can all agree that our leaders - and especially the Biden administration in the U.S. - have sunk to new levels of unimaginable depravity. Truly sickening. I hope he's wrong about his assertion - but I fear he's right.

If anyone wishes to comment on the video, please focus on the message and not the two messengers!

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He might just have a little bit of bias.😉
He might just have a little bit of bias.😉

He sounds like the perfect guest for Brian's next propaganda piece.
He might just have a little bit of bias.😉
He sounds like the perfect guest for Brian's next propaganda piece.
Oh dear gents. (Again).
Surely you know that the worst propaganda, the worst bias and the worst levels of misinformation come from laughably entitled 'fact-checking' sites. (Think 'FullFact' here in the U.K.) 'Stop Fake' is transparent about being pro-Ukraine; at least they don't try and hide it. Naturally, they'll do anything they can to hit back at accusations of Ukrainian war crimes. That said, in order to confirm its true agenda, all one need do is look at how it's funded. Top of the list of donors is The International Renaissance Foundation, where, low and behold, we discover that "the foundation was founded by the philanthropist George Soros and is part of the Open Society Foundations international network." Case closed!

Now, as for the article itself, it's a blatant hatchet job on the french journalist. It's trying to discredit the 'Massacre in Bucca' story by discrediting the journalist. An old trick which, sadly, some folk still fall for. Note that no attempt - none whatsoever - is made by Stop Fake to address the details of the story itself. You know, the inconvenient ones that establish beyond all doubt that the Russians were not responsible for the atrocities. (No sign of decomposition of the bodies, even though they'd supposedly been lying in the streets for many days. No one moving them after the Russians moved out. The town mayor not mentioning the murders etc! The list goes on and on.) Yet again, as is so beloved by those on the wrong side of the argument, it's a case of having to shoot the messenger because there's no credible evidence - zilch, nada, none - with which to criticise the message.
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Desperation setting in. More cannon fodder.


Vladimir Putin brutally sacks ‘at least six’ Russian commanders as his army suffers massive losses​

British intelligence has reported Russian president Vladimir Putin mercilessly sacked half a dozen of his top brass, as bombs hit Europe’s largest atomic power plant.

Merryn Johns
4 min read
August 8, 2022 - 4:55AM
News Corp Australia Network

Ukraine is investigating almost 26,000 suspected war crime cases committed since Russia's Feb. 24 invasion and has charged 135 people, its chief war crimes prosecutor told Reuters on Friday (August 5).
British Defence Intelligence claims Putin has brutally sacked “at least six” top commanders, with Russian losses continuing to grow.

The Ministry of Defence’s statement said a slew of commanders have been dismissed as Putin rages at their failures., according to The Sun.

Specifically, the report claims: “The poor performance of Russia’s armed forces during its invasion of Ukraine has been costly for Russia’s military leadership, highly likely resulting in the dismissal of at least six Russian commanders since the start of hostilities in February 2022.

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (R) walks with Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov (C) as he takes part in the main naval parade marking Russian Navy Day. Picture: AFP
Russia's President Vladimir Putin (R) walks with Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov (C) as he takes part in the main naval parade marking Russian Navy Day. Picture: AFP
“The commanders of Russia’s Eastern and Western Military Districts have highly likely lost their commands. General-Colonel Aleksandr Chayko was dismissed as Commander of the Eastern Military District in May 2022.

“General-Colonel Aleksandr Zhuravlev, who has commanded the Western Military District since 2018, was absent from Russia’s Navy Day in St Petersburg on 31 July 2022 and has highly likely been replaced by General-Lieutenant Vladimir Kochetkov.

“General Aleksandr Vladimirovich Dvornikov has subsequently been removed after been given overall command of the operation in Ukraine, and General Sergei Surovikin has assumed command of the Southern Grouping of Forces from General Gennady Valeryevich Zhidko.”

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (C) reviews naval troops as he attends the main naval parade marking the Russian Navy Day, in St. Petersburg. Picture: AFP
Russia's President Vladimir Putin (C) reviews naval troops as he attends the main naval parade marking the Russian Navy Day, in St. Petersburg. Picture: AFP
The report concludes: “These dismissals are compounded by at least 10 Russian Generals killed on the battlefield in Ukraine. The cumulative effect on consistency of command is likely contributing to Russian tactical and operational difficulties.”

This comes as Ukrainian military officials report that Russia has lost at least 42,000 troops since the start of the conflict.

It comes as Moscow and Kyiv traded accusations over who bombed the Zaporizhzhia nuclear site in southern Ukraine, Europe’s largest atomic power complex, which has been under Russian control since the early days of the February 24 invasion.
I have an idea where Russia can find some replacement generals...🙂
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You gotta love the way MSM editorialize..."brutally sacks"...."mercilessly sacked"...."Putin rages at their failures"......of course the brave and fearless actor-comedian would never brutally sack anyone...he would just ordinary sack them...LMAO 😂
