If the government could incentivize poor people to use birth control you would have the money to pay policemen. Instead of paying child welfare, the government would have extra spending money.
Teachers / schools should be privatized. Long term, there’s not a government run school that can compete with a private school. If there are parents that have trouble paying, they can receive subsidies to supplement their payments.
Ditto with the healthcare system.
You seem infatuated with the pay of other people. The reason why you are jealous over CEO’s pay is because you do what all busybodies do. You worry about other peoples’ business. You don’t have a say in what CEOs get paid. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you can focus on improving your own success.
I’m happy when other people do well in life. Personally, I think everybody in the world deserves a very rich lifestyle but it’s not going to happen because the world’s population is catastrophically too high and our robotic technology is way too nascent.
As far as inequitable “distribution” of income across industries, are you talking government run organizations or private businesses? Give real life industry examples.
You need a remedial reading course. I never said I supported patronage. I was merely stating a fact on the way governments operate in the world, especially with regards to public unions.
If you think the British government is the only corrupt free government in this world then you need to open your proverbial eyes. Power corrupts !
I got your post in email (sent by T2W) before it was deleted by a moderator. Here is my reply to the message you posted:
I did a little searching for how much it costs to raise a child from birth to 18 in England and came up with this:
Our annual Cost of a Child report this year finds that the overall cost of a child up to age 18 (including rent and childcare) is £185,000 for lone parents (up 19% since 2012) and £151,000 for couples (up 5.5% since 2012).
Multiply that by the number of people who are having children they can’t pay for and you say the money doesn’t add up?!? Come on, do the math. If you don’t count the “free” education and other stuff that the poor get (that other taxpayers pay for) it’s being disingenuous.
I agree with you that children should take care of their elderly parents, however, over a lifetime the elderly should have set aside money for insurance that covers end of life care.
If a doctor were in private practice they could set their own fee. End of story.
If birth control fails, giving babies up for adoption when their parents can’t afford them should be a logical first step. I don’t encounter too many people these days who raise that point.
I support the government helping disabled people and agree with you on going after cheaters.
There is no such thing as a fair wage. Never has been. Never will be. If the employer and the job seeker can’t come to an agreement then the job isn’t filled.
I want the majority of government functions to occur on the municipal or state level. Where is it written that a federal government has to be a wishing machine that fulfills peoples’ needs?
I never wrote a post calling for everything to be privatized. Prove it through a quote. If you can. The separation of school and state should be as sacred as the separation of church and state. Having a government influencing children what to think or believe is just as corrupt as having a state sponsored religion.