UK Politics

This just about sums up the PM and the Conservative party:

"But overlying May’s Brexit shambles is the party’s ideological vacuum, epitomised by the instinctively statist, authoritarian May, devoid of any discernible guiding philosophy, personality or leadership ability, and of which her self-inflicted Brexit shambles is arguably merely a part – its apparently total inability to come up with any ideas, vision or policies to counter the 1970s-throwback, reheated hard-Left socialism of Corbyn’s Labour."

Read the rest here

Didn't know Tory party had a soul. :whistling

News to me too! What ever happened to the old ruthlessness?

And you won't like this about Uncle Vince either, or if you're knocking on 50 –

Thanks, SuperMC but uncle Vince has done a sterling job considering headwinds and having to deal with Tories.

I think DUP are also doing a much better job of handling the Tories than LibDems were able to.

This is what happens when the Tories are left alone. They turn around and start screwing each other. 😉
Thanks, SuperMC but uncle Vince has done a sterling job considering headwinds and having to deal with Tories.

I think DUP are also doing a much better job of handling the Tories than LibDems were able to.

This is what happens when the Tories are left alone. They turn around and start screwing each other. 😉

Unfortunately, it looks like we're going to get screwed too as collateral 🙁

I note that there are now rumours circulating that Theresa is cooking up some sort of dodgy deal over the Irish border 😕
Made me laugh that remark that the EU is becoming more like a Soviet state.
What a missed opportunity the EU is, I feel. It could have been a great gathering of nations.
Unfortunately, it looks like we're going to get screwed too as collateral 🙁

I note that there are now rumours circulating that Theresa is cooking up some sort of dodgy deal over the Irish border 😕

You don't want a deal then?
As the lady has already said: "No deal is better a bad deal"

The trouble with her is that she's good with the talk - but that's about the limit of her achievement. I despair.

May is getting the Brexit negotiations done the same way as she got Cons. leadership - walking backwards through a revolving door.
I’ve given up commenting on Brexit (for now) [emoji16]

It’s just the same old, constant media spin leading us to believe that any of the negotiations are making any progress at all whilst simultaneously changing their minds whilst simultaneously sticking to their guns, whilst simultaneously ........... well, I’m sure you are all aware of what is going on!

If I didn’t know any better I would say it’s just a smokescreen media propaganda narrative, purely invented to confuse us all and to stop pertinent questions from being asked, promulgated by our great soviet style leaders themselves (both EU and UK).

If nothing else it deflects from escalating war in Syria, now if UK/EU/US could only achieve a disastrous outcome there without any of us noticing, oooops, too late.

Either that or it is incompetence of the highest order, or maybe a bank crash is about to happen and they are just using delaying tactics and going to use Brexit as the catalyst excuse, take your pick?

I’m going to cash [emoji1360]
The EU negotiators in my view want to punish Britain for opting out rather than fixing a rotten set up. It will scare off Greeks etc. from opting out.
It will scare off Greeks etc. from opting out.

Assuming you are talking about the Greek politicians? I'm pretty sure that the Greek people, given the choice, wouldn't touch the EU with a Venetian barge pole!

Thanks for the link, it was better than TV headlines giving it their take on the speech.

Yes, I thought it was a good speech well delivered in the usual affable Boris. He certainly comes across super well quite the opposite of May bot.

Sadly though feel well pumped up much like a balloon and a little scratch of the surface reveals the typical Brexiteers vision of low substance and much hype. We can do this if we believe in our selves, yes we can for sure.

I don't doubt UK will always prevail. It's simply at what level.

News talking about a no deal WTO leading to a 10% rise in the price of cars and possible 30% rise in food stuffs. Boris talks about improving productivity but that's also hype. He talks about giving away tax cuts and stimulating investment yet mentions nothing about rising cost of utility prices, railway costs or ageing population with 2m people over the age of 85 or NHS funding, teachers, policeman or any other public sector workers. Instead, he mentions what a fantastic idea the right to buy was.

Best to brush our issues under the carpet and let's talk about trade deals with big ol Peru. Yeah I know that was just an example but I think I would have been a trifle more impressed if he would talk about trade deals with India, China or Japan.

Don't wish to upset you old bean but his speech was not exactly for the thinking man carrying the weight of family and responsibility of work on his shoulders. His speech is for his personal ego, power-hungry craze for PM role and hoodwinking the non-thinking man giving him some words of opium for now. Effects will run out soon enough and he'll be left toiling in dirt for quite some time to come. 👎
There's no reason why Boris Johnson shouldn't be aiming for Conservative leader's position. That's the game after all. I just feel that he only believes in what's good for him and he'd stab every one of us and the UK in the back to get it.
There's no reason why Boris Johnson shouldn't be aiming for Conservative leader's position. That's the game after all. I just feel that he only believes in what's good for him and he'd stab every one of us and the UK in the back to get it.

Agreed, much the same as Govey and Moggy. 👍
Well I kind of think/suspect/hope Rees Mogg wouldn't but the other two are just chancers.

Simply that his a bit of a calculating businessman. I'm not sure he even wants the job or responsibility. As I say, it's one thing criticising and taking snipes from the sidelines and another assuming responsibility. In meetings people come up with all sorts of good ideas and if offered the role, what a clever idea, would you like to run with that; they shy away with oh they are too busy. Moggy is that ilk I reckon.

His low tax money haven dreamland is purely self interest and nothing but imo.

Fact that he belies his true intention as if by being a politician his serving nation's interest is in some respect the biggest despicable lie.

Hammond seems to be a level-headed chappie who might fit the bill. Obviously, I like him because he is a remainer. His temperament and quiet manner is appealing. Doesn't seem to be full of himself, unlike the other rabid weasels.

The public are easily fooled by the likes of him, Boris and Govey. The trick is to tell them what they want to hear and caress their egos. Brexit election manifesto pretty obvious thus far. It works.
To talk to conference of party members will have to be that which pleases them or there is a revolt but to talk more widely needs something tangible like raising substantially the lowest retirement incomes. They will certainly spend it all. Giving the rich more money is meaningless to them. Their spending won't increase at all, as they stick the extra into shares etc.

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