TWO strong methods if you can first study 4 weeks each

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Junior member
Hi friends
Most Traders have something similar to IDS.
IT is called TIDS.
Here a trader just looks at a new thing, then he judges without necessary and sufficient evidence,sans patience,sans observation,then he leaves it forever.
goes on to search for another.

Here are two strong methods
but there is a condition
once you take up a method you must study it intensely deeply daily 2 hours for 60 days.
if you are a glance 30seconds,and skip guy,better get ----

the approach of
Market Emperors.
supply and demand

sam sieden is the starting point.
fxstreet webinars OF HIS are the resource
ampzone and Can help too.
Requirement you must watch at least 30 webinars and make notes of what you observed or learnt new in each.
ready to run away ?
I know only 8percent can do this.
92percent have to give theor money as gift to those 8 percent so they hate hard work or committed effort.

if you are a lazy, wavery,fluctuating or fickle minded trader, you can skip step1 above and go to step2
what can destroy education?
convenience seeking,comfort seeking,complacent nature,procrastination,lack of real positive attitude to move on a mission -complaints general-no time-no energy- no money-etc.
quality is doing things right the first time then you need not repeat the doing.

2 ADR WADR MADR based trading.
here you can study 2 to 4 weeks daily 2 hours record all observations then reject those non working rules or ideas.
if you cant write your system with rules to enter exit stoploss tgt1 tgt2 etc,
if you cant observe a minimum of 300 trades,
if you cant record the outcome
then you a failure before you do it fully well
if you can do it,then ok you passed the hurdle
two links are
ADR score 60% success

Trade breakouts up or down and sit idle if inside range
Average Daily Range Pro Calculator


Forex Trading - Trade Within The Average Daily Range - YouTube
a point here for experienced seniors to give feedback.
my close friends rejected hector deville approach-they give it low rating.
but they prefer ADR based approach by compassfx,by Mr Dean Mallone.
My buddies feel deans method is better.

If you contradict,please give your logic.I will spare time to verify your ideas.
Wishing happy trading
Humble applogies
the harsh wording used at the beginning is meant to ward off lazy comfortseeking traders.
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