Try Tradestation 8.3 for Free

Thank you for answering so fast.

I tried with the T2W promo code, but it is apparently not valid...
I receive this message when trying to create the account: "There is a problem with your Promotion Code"

This is why I posted a message... I do not understand how to make it work.

Thank you.

I got mine from Precision at
TradeStation | Trade With Precision
and it worked.

It is probably best to email them and they will send you an absolutely current one valid for your country. Apart from that, other people here will probably post other ways or codes later on......
Thank you Comintel,

I emailed them, I am going to wait for their reply.
Unless somebody else posts a code here in the meantime.
I am looking for the free 2-month trial code. The 09 code in this post does not work (though I did still find it advertised on the web site.) Can anyone help with a current code? Thank you!
I am looking for the free 2-month trial code. The 09 code in this post does not work (though I did still find it advertised on the web site.) Can anyone help with a current code? Thank you!

They just had a 4-month free trial but you were supposed to sign up by April 30.

Here's one place it is mentioned:

Call them anyway and I think they will give you two months at least.


P.S. Come to think of it, that is a different offer though since it requires you to actually open an account.

For a trial that does not require you to open an account, try

Maybe someone will post a code as well but if not, these people can send you one.
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By the way Tradestation currently has an offer to run it free of platform fees through the end of 2010.

The offer is right on their main page.
Trade Station is overrated, ( Now A Day )I have had the service many times, for sure the order execution is not good at all, I always used 3rd party - broker platforms, Point is today there are many very good charting packages - eSignal is very good > Easy Language is for nerds who think they can beat the market without having paid years in chart time, thats all on this subject.

Side Note; if your are hard core smart and dead ass serious Trade Station is your baby.

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Trade Station is overrated, ( Now A Day )I have had the service many times, for sure the order execution is not good at all, I always used 3rd party - broker platforms, Point is today there are many very good charting packages - eSignal is very good > Easy Language is for nerds who think they can beat the market without having paid years in chart time, thats all on this subject.


speaking from a bitter experience?
Trade Station is overrated, ( Now A Day )I have had the service many times, for sure the order execution is not good at all, I always used 3rd party - broker platforms, Point is today there are many very good charting packages - eSignal is very good > Easy Language is for nerds who think they can beat the market without having paid years in chart time, thats all on this subject.

Side Note; if your are hard core smart and dead ass serious Trade Station is your baby.


let me **** on that