Trump Presidency and the Consequences

I've always been a skeptic of the china rising narrative. However certain events in the last month are beginning to make me question this century's outlook.
The dollar is taking a beating, thinking that petro-yuan has something to do with it......china has single handedly accomplished what Qaddafi and sadam hussein dreamed of
we're living in historic times.....don't think that a regime change is in order
If my neighbor was an out of work illegal alien or just someone who refuses to work for whatever reasons, then I don't really care much. They say the USA is the land of opportunity, so no excuses...take advantage of it.


Have to agree with that. But this isn't unique to capitalism. There isn't a political system in the world that could survive by paying its own people to not work, let alone paying another country's citizens.
currently the shanghai gold exchange has 13 members from europe and 2 members from north america (Canadians).
It was about 3 years ago they had nothing from europe or north america.
The oil futures exchange has no one currently but it's interesting to note that the U.S. will keep its domestic corporations from participating just like in the shanghai gold exchange. The loss in the first year for U.S. money printing is predicted to be around 800 billion dollars.
Chaos in congress/policy = opportunities for china......let's see how long it takes for them to realize this
I think that history will remember that the abandonment of ASEAN by the U.S. will be remembered as
the greatest foreign policy mistake of the 21st century.’s-threats/ar-AAsmRfU?ocid=spartanntp

Will Trump wait until NK fires a hydrogen bomb at a US city before delivering a counter punch ? And if so how many cities can he lose before he feels justified in retaliation ?

China is at last playing along, probably reluctantly by agreeing to cut off oil supplies to NK.

Anyone remember that film in the 1950s The Mouse that Roared ?

Perhaps the US could demand that NK hands Mad Kim over for trial and a padded cell.


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Trump has installed a whopping 220% trade tariff on the Canadian firm Bombardier that makes component parts for aircraft. This is at the request of Boeing who are otherwise uncompetitive. The Irish firm that employs thousands will have to close the factory.

Typical of Dump's tactics is to annoy the US's best allies. Then he has the gall to ask for help in defeating the US's enemies viz. North Korea, Russia, China, factions in the Middle East and now Mexico, Venezuela and many more. The UK pours in blood and money to help. Dump may find his appeals for sanction solidarity increasingly fall on less than willing ears. Our Mrs Poodle has finally found a bit of bark.

Typical of the worst President yet ! Undoing decades of work and $trillions !!

This is but a forerunner of nasty surprises to come imho
Trump has installed a whopping 220% trade tariff on the Canadian firm Bombardier that makes component parts for aircraft. This is at the request of Boeing who are otherwise uncompetitive. The Irish firm that employs thousands will have to close the factory.

Pat, here is why boeing is uncompetetive:

"Tuesday's finding bolsters Boeing's claim that a $1 billion bailout from the Quebec regional government and $149 million in development loans and other aid from the U.K. government in 2008 helped give Bombardier an unfair advantage."

Boeing correctly claims bombardier received illegitimate public sector subsidies enabling them to sell planes cheaper in the USA.

Dump may find his appeals for sanction solidarity increasingly fall on less than willing ears. Our Mrs Poodle has finally found a bit of bark.

Typical of the worst President yet ! Undoing decades of work and $trillions !!

This is but a forerunner of nasty surprises to come imho

So even after Russia and China watered down the UN sanctions, China goes above and beyond, surprising everyone. It seems Trump is the one calling the shots regarding North Korea.

Trump emphasises over and over that he is putting America first. He doesn't seem to realize that this statement might please the out of work people at home but it worries the rest of the world who can only look forward to a shabby deal from the US.
This is when the US needs allies in her many confrontations with other countries. Some of which are needless.
The rest of the world's nations should not be intimidated by the US and look to other countries for trading partners. Even those like Russia and Iran that the US has put sanctions on. Maybe draw the line on North Korea though. Trump can't have it both ways.
I would say he has a concealed Trump first policy really. This is made more obvious by banning travel etc. from innocent Arab countries and pandering to Saudi Arabia where he has business interests.
I would say he has a concealed Trump first policy really.

And the rest of the world is beginning to figure this out. For Trump, it's always been about himself. He couldn't care less about the poor or about minorities or about women's rights or about veterans or about religion or even about the country. His chief concern is that he be admired. And when he isn't, Childe Donald emerges, like the alien out of John Hurt's stomach.
Unemployment at historical lows, stock market at historic highs, vets can now visit ANY hospital instead of waiting for months at a veterans hospital,government (Obamacare) can no longer force companies to accept health plans if it goes against their religious beliefs, Trump has hired more women in high positions in his company than the national average... I could go on. I do agree however that he is a bit of a narccissist, but he is not a pushover when it comes to NK and Iran.

Unemployment at historical lows, stock market at historic highs, vets can now visit ANY hospital instead of waiting for months at a veterans hospital,government (Obamacare) can no longer force companies to accept health plans if it goes against their religious beliefs, Trump has hired more women in high positions in his company than the national average... I could go on. I do agree however that he is a bit of a narccissist, but he is not a pushover when it comes to NK and Iran.


Lots of hot air and un-Presidential invective so far as regards NK and Iran. They will get nuclear weapons and ICBMs anyway whatever he does. There are plenty of scientists willing to work for the rogue states.
We can all look forward to the day one of them pushes the button 😢
Lots of hot air and un-Presidential invective so far as regards NK and Iran. They will get nuclear weapons and ICBMs anyway whatever he does. There are plenty of scientists willing to work for the rogue states.
We can all look forward to the day one of them pushes the button 😢

Believe me, they are not so stupid to push the button😀
Just been listening to Donald's Iran speech.
I think he is overstretching credibility and US resources if he thinks he can stop them getting the bomb and ICBMs.
Having annoyed most of the US's allies he has the cheek to expect them to back his play. It is just a matter of not too long before they reach their objectives. Let's hope they don't start tossing them about.
Every sanction also costs the US too and one country is hard pressed to impose so many, especially with now luke warm allies and an obviously failing policy.
Having annoyed most of the US's allies he has the cheek to expect them to back his play. It is just a matter of not too long before they reach their objectives. Let's hope they don't start tossing them about.
Every sanction also costs the US too and one country is hard pressed to impose so many, especially with now luke warm allies and an obviously failing policy.

So far at least 2 allies have come out applauding Trump's Iran decision, Israel & Saudi Arabia. More will do so in the coming days.

President Trump Doesn’t Know He’s the President of the U.S. Virgin Islands

(Newsweek) Is President Donald Trump aware residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands are, in fact, Americans? It's unclear.

In a speech Friday, Trump said he'd recently "met with the president of the Virgin Islands" to discuss the recent hurricanes that have devastated Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the island.

But Trump could not have spoken to the "president of the Virgin Islands" because, of course, he is the president of the U.S. Virgin Islands, whose residents are U.S. citizens.

Perhaps Trump was referring to the governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Kenneth Mapp, with whom the president met in early October.

The U.S. Virgin Islands government reluctantly responded to Trump's gaffe.

“I would not want to in any way involve the governor of the Virgin Islands in any national dispute in the media about what the president knows about the relationship between the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands,” Sam Topp, deputy communications director for Governor Mapp, tells Newsweek.

"It doesn't serve our purpose to participate in the national hoopla over whether Donald Trump is making competent comments or not. Just look at the documents that govern the relationship [between the United States and the U.S. Virgin Islands], and you can determine how relevant or irrelevant, or advised or ill-advised, his comments were. There’s no president of the United States other than the president of the United States," Topp adds.

Trump could arguably benefit a great deal from a lesson in the structure of the U.S. government (and perhaps a geography refresher).

The president also revealed that he doesn't really know the location of Puerto Rico, describing it in a talk with reporters as "an island sitting in the middle of an ocean — and it's a big ocean, a really, really big ocean."

Trump was correct that the Atlantic Ocean is a thing and it is quite large, but Puerto Rico is by no means "in the middle" of it. Actually, the Atlantic Ocean doesn't technically begin until the "eastern edge" of the Caribbean, which is roughly 550 miles east of Puerto Rico, according to the International Hydrographic Organization borders universally accepted.

Puerto Rico is in the Caribbean Sea, not the ocean.


President Idiot