Trump Presidency and the Consequences

Finally, they may have just been able to shut him up.

Trump has gone relatively quiet since last weekend’s wiretap-claim bombshell


Blabber mouth is running scared. 🙄

What seems to be true is that the Obama administration spied on some of Trump's associates and we don't know exactly how much information was collected under what authority and who was targeted.

As former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy summarizes in National Review, the Obama Justice Department considered a criminal investigation aimed at a number of Trump’s associates. When they didn’t find anything criminal, they converted the investigation into an intelligence probe under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Elements of that story have been confirmed by The New York Times, the BBC and McClatchy newspapers.

FISA surveillance has to be approved by a special court, which almost always allows the government to spy on people when asked. But when the Justice Department asked to spy on several of Trump's associates, the court refused permission, according to the BBC. As McCarthy writes, this is notable because “the FISA court is notoriously solicitous of government requests to conduct national security surveillance.”

Not taking no for an answer, the Obama administration came back during the final weeks of the election with a narrower request that didn’t specifically mention Trump. That narrower request was granted by the court, but reports from the Guardian and the BBC don't mention the tapping of phones..
Finally, they may have just been able to shut him up.

Trump has gone relatively quiet since last weekend’s wiretap-claim bombshell


Blabber mouth is running scared. 🙄

"On Jan. 3, outgoing Attorney General Loretta Lynch secretly signed an order directing the National Security Agency — America's 60,000-person-strong domestic spying apparatus — to make available raw spying data to all other federal intelligence agencies, which then can pass it on to their counterparts in foreign countries and in the 50 states upon request. She did so, she claimed, for administrative convenience. Yet in doing this, she violated basic constitutional principles that were erected centuries ago to prevent just what she did."
Finally, they may have just been able to shut him up.

Trump has gone relatively quiet since last weekend’s wiretap-claim bombshell


Blabber mouth is running scared. 🙄

Then tell me, O Critias, how will a man choose the ruler that shall rule over him? Will he not choose a man who has first established order in himself, knowing that any decision that has its spring from anger or pride or vanity can be multiplied a thousandfold in its effects upon the citizens?


Yes agreed. One would think given the alleged offence by Obama, the republicans who wouldn't let go of a BJ would be so quickly passified about phone tapping DT.

No nothing. No fighting talk. No defence. No evidence. That's not like Trump we know is it? Nada!

I heard Donny wanted a trumped up tower facing the Red Square and never got one. Perhaps he did, with strings attached. :whistling

I really do feel we need an investigation here to establish the facts amongts all the alternative facts zipping around all over the place.
Yes agreed. One would think given the alleged offence by Obama, the republicans who wouldn't let go of a BJ would be so quickly passified about phone tapping DT.

No nothing. No fighting talk. No defence. No evidence. That's not like Trump we know is it? Nada!

I heard Donny wanted a trumped up tower facing the Red Square and never got one. Perhaps he did, with strings attached. :whistling

I really do feel we need an investigation here to establish the facts amongts all the alternative facts zipping around all over the place.

You've clearly already made up your mind with conclusive and judgemental statements yet you want an investigation to clarify the factual from the non-factual? Something does not compute.
Yes agreed. One would think given the alleged offence by Obama, the republicans who wouldn't let go of a BJ would be so quickly passified about phone tapping DT.

No nothing. No fighting talk. No defence. No evidence. That's not like Trump we know is it? Nada!

I heard Donny wanted a trumped up tower facing the Red Square and never got one. Perhaps he did, with strings attached. :whistling

I really do feel we need an investigation here to establish the facts amongts all the alternative facts zipping around all over the place.

We're hoping he doesn't do something reckless before the wheels fall off.
We're hoping he doesn't do something reckless before the wheels fall off.

I suspect he will attack the government bodies and institutions as well as the judiciary and suggest he tried to clean the swamp and the swamp fought back.

His ready and willing less than well educated voters (if at all) be only too ready to take his every word as truth.

He will then have weakened the cohesion of the USA from inside and once the rot sets in it'll be very difficult to win unity back.

He has already primed an attack on the US institutions when/if a muslim carries out an attack on US soil. Then listen out for the tweets and finger pointing. Action will be demanded and he will have his way.

Can one imagine if instead of a numpty shooting an Indian, a muslim shot a republican what the reaction and outcome would have been from the White House and republican voters???

He is playing a very sick game. There are so many sad puppies out there wishing their view is legitimised and confirmed as valid.

Fake news, so called judge and alternative facts. Damage is already done imo.
I suspect he will attack the government bodies and institutions as well as the judiciary and suggest he tried to clean the swamp and the swamp fought back.

His ready and willing less than well educated voters (if at all) be only too ready to take his every word as truth.

He will then have weakened the cohesion of the USA from inside and once the rot sets in it'll be very difficult to win unity back.

He has already primed an attack on the US institutions when/if a muslim carries out an attack on US soil. Then listen out for the tweets and finger pointing. Action will be demanded and he will have his way.

Can one imagine if instead of a numpty shooting an Indian, a muslim shot a republican what the reaction and outcome would have been from the White House and republican voters???

He is playing a very sick game. There are so many sad puppies out there wishing their view is legitimised and confirmed as valid.

Fake news, so called judge and alternative facts. Damage is already done imo.

The anti-Sharia-law views have been legitmized time and again post 9-11. Did you forget the Paris attacks? The constant stream of "social unrest" in Sweden and other EU countries?
Can millions be so stupid...........

To vote for this man ? Of course they could and did.


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I suspect he will attack the government bodies and institutions as well as the judiciary and suggest he tried to clean the swamp and the swamp fought back.

His ready and willing less than well educated voters (if at all) be only too ready to take his every word as truth.

He will then have weakened the cohesion of the USA from inside and once the rot sets in it'll be very difficult to win unity back.

The unity thing is a fiction. We were unified on Dec 7, 1941 and Sept 11, 2001. Otherwise, not so much. And partisanship became even more pronounced after Goldwater and Reagan to the point of becoming toxic with McConnell and his policy of obstructionism. It is unlikely that we will ever again enjoy the kind of collegial effort that results in progress through compromise. Now it's a matter of gaining and holding office. But from what I read, that's pretty much the case everywhere (nothing personal, but can't you come up with some decent Liberal leaders?)

Speaking of partisanship . . .

(Washington Times) By claiming that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap but not producing evidence to back up his charge, President Trump may have done irreparable harm to his own credibility, California Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday.

Mr. Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House intelligence committee told ABC’s “This Week” that he doesn’t expect the Justice Department to produce by Monday proof of Mr. Trump’s wiretap claim, as congressional Democrats have demanded.

The president eight days ago tweeted that his Trump Tower offices were wiretapped by the Obama administration during the 2016 election, though he has yet to produce firm proof backing up the accusation.

“You know, there are one of two possibilities here. Either the president quite deliberately, for some reason, made up the charge. Or perhaps, more disturbing, the president really believes this,” Mr. Schiff said.

“And here’s where I think it’s consequential,” he continued. “If six months from now the president should say that Iran is cheating on the nuclear agreement, if he’s making that up, it’s real problem. If he’s not making it up and it’s true, it’s an even bigger problem. Because the question is, would people believe him? Would American people believe him? Would people around the world believe him? And that has real world consequences.”
"There’s a lot of aspects with this whole relationship with Russia and Vladimir Putin that requires further scrutiny, and so far I don’t think the American people have gotten all the answers. In fact, I think there’s a lot of shoes to drop from this centipede."

--John McCain