One expects the bad guys to do torture and they do.
USA are the bad guys going on foreign missions kicking ass.
They have lots of bullets and weapons of mass destruction and nowhere to fire them at.
Iraq War Anniversary: Birth Defects And Cancer Rates At Devastating High In Basra And Fallujah (VIDEO)
I think yanks should pay compensation to Iraqis who had nothing to do with 9/11.
the only people getting rattled are the democrats who lost and will continue to lose in the midterms. President Trump even had all the big democrat donors/supporters in the oval office for a meeting, something Obama never did. Instead he had Black lives matter and muslim leaders. Trump has done more in the first few days than Obama did in 8 years :clap:
Seriously what do you people have against obama, he did a very good job. He also represented the country well. Be a man of principles and Give credit when credit is due. have 2500+ posts dude, and one complicated signature😀I honestly feel sorry for you guys. Are your lives that bad and hum-drum that you spend them on here, creating thread after thread complaining non-stop. 😢 have 2500+ posts dude, and one complicated signature😀
GOP Leaders Say U.S. Will Pay Billions For Border Wall, But Insist They’re Fiscal Conservatives
The GOP about-face on government spending has arrived right on schedule, and shouldn’t come as a surprise. During the George W. Bush era, for example, the GOP ran up the tab with two massive tax breaks, two wars, and the Medicare Part D expansion.